Tuesday, March 23, 2010

a matter of name

When I first started subbing I introduced myself as Miss (insert last name). Then as my co-workers (I guess that's what they're called) started introducing me to the kids when I would take over a classroom or what not, I was being called Mrs. (insert last name).

I'm not a Mrs. but I'm getting to the age where I'm not really a Miss either. Maybe more so a Ms. (gross)
So rather than taking the time and effort, which is needed for something else, to correct these people I am simply known as Mrs. (last name)

No questions. No corrections.

I'm just flattered they think I'm married.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

no tears for me

Here it is 9pm on a Sunday and I am exhausted!
I miss the days when I could stay up till 11pm and function the next day just fine.
Granted I wasn't working or doing anything productive but I was still functioning. Barely.

I just finished a take home midterm that was assigned over the weekend and was going to watch a movie that I rented from redbox, but due to the nature and contents of unsaid movie I have decided that I am going to just go.to.bed!

I do not need a sappy chic flick to make me more aware of what I do or do not have in my life. I do not need a movie to open the water gates that I have done an amazing job keeping under control lately.

So rather than sitting on the couch with tissues either in my hand or rubbed up against my eyes I am going to go catch some much needed beauty sleep.
Ya know... make a healthy decision? One that involves not only getting the proper amount of sleep to function the next day but to also keep my sanity in check.
Something that is long overdue.

The movie can always be rented when I'm having those blah days, but until then, this decision makes me feel good!

...and feeling good is half the battle!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

my adventures

Last week I subbed four out of the five days and because of that do I ever have stories!
I can't go into great depth and detail, but you'll get the gist of it.

Tuesday I had a boy stab another boy with a pencil. When I confronted the stabber he cried. I mean he CRIED huge tears. I asked him why he did it. His answer, "because he did it to me!"
So, I was forced to ask him when that stabbing occurred. He then proceeded to tell me... "a couple months ago".

Tuesday's group of second graders was rough. I raised my voice a lot! So much that when they came in to my Thursday music class I got a lot of hugs and they completely cooperated with me. And I walked away Tuesday thinking they were all the Devil's children. (No really, it was THAT bad)

Wednesday's group of middle school kids was really uneventful. It was St. Patrick's Day so everybody was wearing green, seriously. I don't think I have seen so many shades of green in my life. I can't wait for more holidays so I have an excuse to dress tacky and wear crazy jewelry!

Thursday was music. Oh what can I say about music?! I have subbed for music so many times that when I was asked to sub again on Friday, I turned it down. I told myself when this gig started, DO NOT TURN DOWN JOBS!
Overall it was a great day but sometimes I just feel like I don't know what I'm doing and that is a really crappy feeling.

I want to walk into a classroom, look at a lesson plan, have it all click and then BOOM! I want to teach it. Not have the kids scream and tell you what to do, because they DO and they do it a lot.
I want to feel like I have control over my classrooms; often times I don't. I want to walk out of there at the end of the day knowing I did the best I can. Yes, I will always second guess myself and know that next time I could have done it better if given the chance.
Everyday I step into a classroom or group setting I see growth and progress within myself but not to the depth I'm looking for RIGHT NOW!
I'd love to have the confidence I see some of these subs have or better yet, those teachers.

If only there was a course on this.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I'm almost 3.0

and still single. unmarried.

but not in need of anybody's cupid services.

Am I bothered by this single, unmarried and almost 3.0 fact? ABSOLUTELY!

But ya know what... I have an awesome child who well, he's just awesome!
I am graduating in May.
Continuing my education. still.
I have been soo busy with subbing that I can barely keep up with myself, but I am NOT complaining. I am loving it! I actually wish I had classrooms lined up everyday of the week.

But in all reality... I'm almost 3.0 and this brings up weird and strange feelings.

20 + 10 in the year 2010.

No matter how I slice it, I just cannot get myself to say thir......


We dated and life was great!

Then Keven started to slow down his text messages and phone calls.
Conversations were really 'surface' conversations. I'm a gal who enjoys depth! I want to know why the sky is blue and the grass is green. Yes or no answers aren't really good enough for me. I want to challenge you; I want to be challenged and that was no longer happening.

Yes, I know his night shift as a cop kept his day pretty occupied and all. A dude has to sleep but really? I knew he didn't sleep all day. He used to call me at night while on duty but that came to a halt.


I mentioned this to him and he was blown away; he didn't see it.
My heart started aching. My gut didn't feel right, so I did what I felt was best and ended our relationship, then I wrote this post.

Now fast forward to present day. A particular gal that I see almost daily due to the fact that I sub now, casually mentions to me that we have a friend in common.
YAY! for facebook.
I mention to her that I know this and tell her that he and I dated.
her: so did we.

As the conversation continues and the dates become clear in my mind I am left with no choice but to call him Friday night because well, he cheated and I am now a raging lunatic!
We I are am talking casually and then I confront him, he hangs up on me.
Mr. Man has officially admitted his guilt by doing so.
Thank you!

I have so many thoughts and feelings running through me. I am incredibly thankful to have trusted my gut. Something wasn't right and deep down I knew it.
My heart was aching and it's scary to think that it was aching for somebody that was is so unhealthy for me. I hate to admit it, but it happened and that is a door that I closed and it needs to stay closed.

But Keven?
He cheated.

What else is there to say?

*If you're in my life, chances are I may write about you. Don't expect me to change your identity.*

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

they must like me

Tomorrow I'm subbing music. Again.
The same students I had a few weeks ago. Boy Child's classmates along with 5 kindergarten classes. It's going to be a long BUSY day but this time... I'm not so blind.

I saw the teacher this afternoon so she gave me a quick run down and then told me to go with the flow and have fun with it! What a relief!!

So tomorrow... it's game on!

Apparently I'm doing something right because my phone is ringing and I'm being asked to return.
The kids have all made it onto the right buses at the end of the day or their parents have picked them up at dismissal time.
No child with a peanut allergy has gone into Anaphylactic shock.

There have been no trips to the nurse's office. None have the kids have cried, well except one because he lost his pencil, but I did NOT do it!!
...and I haven't cried.