Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day. Really?

Mother's Day has come and gone. I called my mother, wished her a happy day, she cried, said I love you.
I ended the conversation with talk to you later; bye.

We do not have that classic mother/daughter relationship; never have.
Does it bother me? Sure.
Will it change? No.

For so many years my Dad received the Happy Mother's Day recognition. The homemade cards, cakes, and balloons. He picked up her slack because someone needed to. Those big manly hands had such a gentle touch. He was the boo boo kisser and the best person to put band aids on. He was perfect at using a curling iron to put those little curls in my hair for special occasions. Never a burn. (I can't even do that)
He was the greatest bedtime story teller. Stories never came from a book; they were from deep within his heart. I only wish I could tell my own son those amazing stories; instead I'm stuck with books.
From teaching me to drive, putting makeup on (who knew), to teaching me how to shoot a gun, pitch a tent, paddle a canoe and even braiding my Barbie's hair, he was. the. man.

Happy Mother's Day!


jenn said...

sometimes dads need recognition too. glad you and your dad have a special relationship like that :)

Maki said...

What a honest post.. My relationship with my mom is perfect, but my relationship with my dad was very rocky when I was younger.... I love him dearly and our relationship has gotten so much better for the past five years or so ever since I had my first daughter, but I used to long for a father who was sweet to me, not critical of me...

Happy Mother's Day to you, Jenn!!!

Badass Geek said...

Happy (late) Mother's Day to you.