Thursday, June 3, 2010

just a sub

I'm just a sub.

That's what I keep telling the kiddo I work with because she has high hopes I'll be her one on one ed tech next year.
In a few short days my job will be over, because I'm just a sub, and someone else will have the possibility to grab it and go.
BUT because I don't want to just be a sub I applied for the position.
I want this job! I need this job. To have some stability would be an amazing thing at this point in my life, in my son's life.
I submitted my resume, application and three great letters of recommendations.

Then I waited. And waited. I even waited some more and started to lose hope so I applied to other places for anything, anywhere I could submit my resume to.

Today, while at work I received a message to call the superintendent's office. I have an interview scheduled for next week!!

An interview!

I'm crawling out of my own skin. To sub I did not have to interview, it was a strange process but whatever.
I have to interview on Monday. I'm horrible at first impressions! Give me a few days and I can schmooze my way into your heart but there is no way in hell I can bat my eyelashes and make you my bitch in less than an hour!


I need to capture these people. This is super important because I'm up against people who have more qualifications than I do but I've been subbing for this position. Ya follow?

So... help me out. Give me all your hints, tips, tricks, advice! I want this so bad I can taste it.

...and it tastes so sweet.


Anonymous said...

Never just a are the best thing that happened to that girl!

Now...I can't remember what tricks you used to make me your bitch but I believe there might have been mention of a gyno visit!

If that don't get em...nothing will!

____j said...

Good Luck! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you :)

Maryx said...

Congrats that's awesome! I'm really really happy for you sweetie and I just know you'll charm their socks off! =) Just be yourself and let them know that you're the best! (Coz you are. Period.)