Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Apartment Living Wednesday

I just turned 29.
There I said it.

There is something about odd numbers and birthdays that makes me feel old(er).
Pish Pahh. I know.
Maybe this all feels different because I'm a Mom but I've been one of these things since I was 21. Again, an odd number so I'm not quite sure if there really is a connection.

I'm scared of 30. I've been scared, damn near petrified since I was 27. What is it about that number that makes one quiver in fear? I have 360 days to enjoy every tiny bit of 29 for all it is worth and I plan on it. Bring it!

I have an amazing group of friends who helped me celebrate my 29th birthday with insane amounts of laughter; it was fabulous! Living several hours away from my family and our relationships considering, my friends are my family.

We drank, we ate, we laughed, and we created memories like no other!

And best of all... we did all this here, in my home.
I have lived, laughed, and loved with the greatest of those in my life; my son and my friends.

I am officially home now.


Badass Geek said...

Happy late birthday. =)

29 might feel old for you, but 23 feels old for me.

jenn said...

sounds like a great day! :) i'm happy for you!

~*Miss A*~ said...

Aww, happy belated birthday to you!!

I'm also terrified of 30....I took 26 in stride...I don't think 27 will be quite that easy, but we'll see.

Anyways, stop by my blog when you get a minute, I gave you an award!