Thursday, April 30, 2009

beat up and worn

That blue uniform; I’ve seen it before. I even noticed the boots. Those beat up, worn and rugged work boots that give you a very distinctive walk. But I never really paid attention.

You were walking through the store the other day, working and something came over me; I said hi.
It was short, sweet, quiet and to the point. You even said hi back but then I was gone.

You see, I’m not one for engaging in a random conversation. I’m awkwardly shy. There is an extrovert screaming to come out of this introvert body. It’s a constant battle.

Today, there you were: blue uniform, rugged boots and that walk.

Different time. Different place.

You tried to start a conversation.

I wanted it.
I felt it.

A simple “hello, how are you? It’s a nice day out”, casual conversation was what ensued.

I gave you simple, short answers in return and again; I was gone.

I’m so disconnected.

photo {kat burns}


jenn said...

what are you waiting for?? TALK, woman!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you will realize soon.....that you are worth the time....

Any guy would be lucky to have you pay attention to him.....

Love you

Maki said...

Hey I hope everything is okay??

I just tagged you by the way - let me know how things are with you! xoxo