Tuesday, February 23, 2010

mental health break

...due to unforeseen circumstances.

I moved. again.
School is, well school.
I'm subbing two days this week.
AND rather than moan, groan and complain about things that don't need complaining about I'm taking some time off, because in reality I don't have anything to complain about.

I just need time.


Claudine said...

Hope you're okay. {Hugs}

jenn said...

yuck - moving sucks. hopefully you're in a better situatio now! & good for you with the mental break. we all need 'em now & then!

JennyMac said...

Good luck..moving is such a chore but hopefully, the new place has great things in store..

oyveyheyhey said...

UGH, MOVING. I feel you there! Big hugs and lots of thoughts to you.