Friday, July 17, 2009

a day without sunscreen

As I type, I'm sitting here in bed watching my son finally sleep. It really isn't a peaceful sleep, the sleep I know he needs and deserves, but this is going to have to get us by for now.

You see... two days ago he went to the beach with 'camp' and his peers, an outing that we all enjoy as children and adults.
I sent him to camp with the requested necessary items for that day; swim trunks, towel and sunscreen.
Later that evening after our normal, "how was your day" discussion, he says, "I think I'm sunburned".
When I had him take his shirt off, I never imagined I would see my child's skin so sunburned!
Boy Child has such fair skin; he's so porcelain and now he shared the same red tone as a cooked lobster.
I am always so cautious when it comes to his skin. I am constantly putting sunscreen on him and keeping track of the time to make sure I don't forget to reapply it.
One application at the start of the day is never enough!

I then questioned him about sunscreen and he says it was never put on him.
I'm so upset. He was in the care of adults all day, at camp, and sunscreen was never put on him.

Wednesday night was hell, a cool tub was torture for him, burn jel wasn't soothing enough and sleeping was damn near impossible for this kid.

Thursday morning when I brought him to camp I questioned them about the sunscreen. They apologized and said the kids all had sunscreen applied, he must have been missed.


He stayed at camp for the rest of the day, being cautious about being bumped, touched or having more sun exposure.

That night I get his tub ready because his skin is still fairly warm to the touch and I wanted to get the old layer of burn jel washed off so I could apply a new layer.
Trying to get his shirt off was almost impossible! It was stuck in some places and he was just plain uncomfortable.
Finally able to get it off, I notice some skin has come off with his shirt and he has a small blister.

Friggin' great!

Finish the tub ordeal, which completely and totally sucked!!!
I then manage to get him into something as soft as I could find; his fleece pajama bottoms and one of my t-shirts.

I call the Emergency Room about the sunburn, chills, shakes, nausea and now blister, to make sure I'm not missing anything. I'm told what I'm doing is right, keep doing it.
Get him into bed for another long night of tossing and turning and because he is so miserable I share my bed with him so I can be miserable too.

Today we wake up to find that small tiny blister has grown! It is now HUGE! and the other shoulder that seemed to have had no signs of blisters now has, well MANY!!

I panic and call the ER again, and I'm told, "if you're concerned you can bring him in".

Gee thanks Captain Obvious! You're a fuckin' pal!

I call the family physician, get an appointment for later in the day but until then keep him comfortable.

Ha! They're fuckin' kidding right?
I have a child who has Sensory Processing Disorder, a severe sunburn on his back and shoulders and is an 8 year old boy.
He sits in one position for any amount of time and that begins to hurt, when it comes time to move, that also hurts and then I have to help him move.
Keep him comfortable my ass!!

Appointment time comes and guess what!?!

There isn't a damn thing they can do for this kid!! Keep giving him ibuprofen, cool compresses (if he'll let you), aloe, and all the other fancy shit I've been doing? Keep doing it.

These blisters?

These blisters (which are all even bigger now) are perfectly normal.


He was going to get a prescription for Silvadene, which works amazingly well on burns, but because Dr. Mom is allergic to Sulfer, Boy Child can't reap the benefits of this.
Ya know, because I have to apply the cream and then snuggle this child, because it seems that's all he wants to do!
So instead, when those nasty bastards pop, its good ol' fashion triple antibiotic ointment. (Pssst...that has sulfer in it too, just a smaller percentage)

Boy Child will go back on Monday for a follow up and will not be going to camp next week.

*Sunscreen. Know it and use it.
*I swear. A lot
*When I talk about this, in real, I'll swear a LOT more
*When your child asks for a pb&j at 9am, make it for him
*A popsicle at 11am? Get 2, one for him- one for you!
*Oh yea... and SUNSCREEN!!! Use it!


Badass Geek said...


Poor kid.

I had bad experiences getting "missed" for sunscreen at day camp too, growing up. It is not fun.

Hope he gets better quickly, for your sake and his.

jenn said...

omg your poor baby!!!! i've scorched the hell out of myself in the past, and i've NEVER had blisters like that.

and - shame on those camp counselors. when i was a camp counselor, i slathered my group of 1st grade girls about 10 times a day with SPF 30.

keep letting him have pb&j at any time of the day he wants. it seems like he is doing just fine in your care! what a good mom you are - he's lucky. :)

Maryx said...

OMG WTF?! Wow you sound like a terrific mom for thinking of everything to do for him. I've been burned but never had blisters. I have tougher skin though, I know that. Good luck and please shit the camp counselors out for being so negligent...