Monday, July 27, 2009

the power of words

Yesterday wasn't a very good day for me.
Today is a new day and I have hopes of treating it just like that, new. I'm also in hopes of those around me doing the same.
Often times those around me know just what to say when a day like that creeps upon me, and everything about it is perfect, it makes life seem a little more tolerable.
Then there are the times when they do not, and that's fine too. It's not something that everybody understands and I'm still learning to appreciate that.
I'm eternally grateful either way you look at it.
Then there are the words from the strangers, the strangers whom do not feel strange to you.
The same words your friends may have told you but this time something seems different; they're a little stronger, a little bolder and even a little more colorful.
Yesterday I received some of those words that made me turn my outlook around, just enough to feel stronger than I was feeling before.

...and to you, I thank you.

{photo ffffound }


jenn said...

well aren't you just the sweetest person??? i'm glad to help - let me know if you need anything! :)

Badass Geek said...

I'm sorry I'm late with this, and I'm also sorry you had this to deal with. Life throws us some pretty mean curve balls sometimes.