Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Other moms proudly blog about their children; announcing their adventures, accomplishments, and those "kids say the darndest things" moments. They post their pictures and announce their names yet I haven't written much about Boy Child since I started this blog because I've always been so nervous about subjecting my son to "the blogging world" so to speak.

Yet due to recent events I think I am going to change that.

I want everyone to know how amazing Boy Child is. How big his 9 year old heart really is. He has amazing compassion and passion for just about everything and anything his little hands and eyes come in contact with.

Boy Child loves to read and will converse with you about those books for as long as you will listen. His drawing ability is progressing day after day. He has a crazy love for numbers.

Words sometimes cannot describe him and words definitely cannot describe the love I have for this child. As much as I want to be selfish and keep him all to myself, I'm starting to feel this HUGE need to share him and his love with others.

Internet, I'd like to introduce you to my son...



Anonymous said...

Awwww. I love those pics!

I love your little man so much also, he is an extention of you and for that I think he is the bees knees. Even when he gets all keyed up and you ask him to calm down his excitement and love for all things makes me smile and makes my heart warm!

It's because of you that he is who he is. You have nurtured and shaped him into a respectful young man that will grow into a respectful and wonderful man.

All I know is you should be proud!

Maryx said...

Pleased to (finally) meet you Cole!

The Internet

=) =) =) =)

jenn said...

aw - what great pictures! it's obvious what a great relationship you two have!!