Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Being that it is April vacation for the local school kids I am also on vacation.

Million dollar question: what are you doing during vacation?


I don't have the funds to take Boy Child anywhere nice, warm, and/or fancy. One of these vacations we will go somewhere and that somewhere will take longer than 2 hours, or maybe even 4 to get there. We will see amazing things and do fantastic activities.


I'm bored. What I really want to be doing is working. Working at school with the kids. Helping them with their learning. (not mine, because mine is no longer important, well it is, but I'm pretending otherwise)
I want to send Boy Child off to school so he can be learning, spending time with his friends, and appreciating the after school time with me more, because he misses me during the day of course!

I'm just bored.
Something is missing. I need some sparkle, spunk.. pizazz.



jenn said...

ohhhh a vacation. i could use one too. :( its that slump where it's not quite winter anymore, but not quite spring/summer and you crave to be anywhere warm and fabulous!

Maryx said...

I think you need a hobby! Why don't you and boy child get crafty?? There are so many blogs out there with so many interesting things to make, do, create.

I'm fortunate enough to NEVER be bored. I ALWAYS have something to do and my mind is FILLED with ideas. =)