Thursday, June 25, 2009

the fine print

Soda: haven't had that in... ohh 7 years.
Beverages in a can? I don't consume them because carbonation is not my friend.

Until recently!

My dear friends at AriZona have put out this beauty! (along with a few other yummilicious flavors)

Sooo... it's been just say YES to beverages in a can! (non carbonated of course)

Although I'm not liking this process of popping the top, taking that first sip and realizing it just doesn't taste right.
Yet its at that exact moment when I see the words, "SHAKE WELL" when I realize I've done something wrong.

All those years of being told not to shake the cans have just gone down the pissah!

Now watch, next can I'm not supposed to shake, I will!


Badass Geek said...

Yeah, I'd be careful with the shaking of cans. I'd probably forget.

jenn said...

i had some of those teas this weekend - they are so good!!!

Maryx said...

Looks yummy! Although the shaking issue would confuse the hell out of me... LOL!!

Organic Meatbag said...

I am very cautious when shaking my little bottles of Welch's grape juice...even though they have arguably the most ridiculously difficult caps to open, I still have this creeping fear that grape juice will go flying all over me...hahaha!