Thursday, June 18, 2009

its never intentional

Dear Jennifer,

Seems to be that we have a problem. This blogcation you are on?
It has to end.
Right. Now.

Yes, I know you've met a guy. Yes, I know he's amazing. This is a relationship like you have never experienced. Ever.
You are being tried, tested and challenged above and beyond what you are used to. I think you can do it.
I know you can do it.
Be optimistic and patient. Like I said; tried, tested and challenged, it's happening to you.
Love is amazing.

Yet other things in your life have changed and not all of them are for the better. Get your head out of your ass and get with the program.
The right program.

You're constantly tired. All. Day. Long!
You started walking. A lot. Then stopped.
Meat and cheese? Hello!! They are your enemy and now you're shoving them into your pie hole. Again??
Enough is enough.
Did you see those numbers on the scale this morning? Those are NOT acceptable. NO!
NOT at all.
Sugar. Remember what that does to you too?
Apparently, the constant stomach pain and lethargic feeling you are experiencing is alright with you.
In reality, this is a problem. BIG problem.
Sleep. Get more.
Peanut butter. Time to rethink this food again.
Gastric bypass. Remember why you had this surgery? I think you have lost sight of this. Get it back. NOW!

It's official. You have, yet again, slipped into a funk. I know it wasn't intentional. It never really is but you must do everything in your power to change it. Stop it. Or it will become irreversible.

Oh, and while you're out and about making changes I think it's time you find a new therapist. Apparently that is one relationship that is NOT working for you.

This is written only because someone had to.

photo courtesy: lerP


Anonymous said...

I love all the parts and pieces of you, your mind, and your friendship. I think you rock!

And lets be honest, What I say goes.


J/ are going to be fine....I am here through every step of the way. I know it's going to be hard to say goodbye to your beloved peanut butter. But I will be here for you in your tough times.

Badass Geek said...

Peanut butter is the best food ever invented.

And yes. Your return to the blogging world is long overdue.

jenn said...

yeah enough of this non-blogging :)

also - you met a guy huh?? oooo fantastic.

Anonymous said...


She sure did....and he is so awesome....

He puts the ring in her ding....

O.M.F.G.- I just thought about that and it sounds so dirty....and yet for once in my life I did not mean it like that.....I shall leave it there as a testament to how whacked I am.....LOL