a complicated mess of organized chaos that is just trying to get back on track
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
quick conversation
Boy Child and I were sitting on the couch this afternoon when he randomly says, "Mom, I know how to do a squat." Me: You do? Where did you learn how to do that? BC: iCarly Me: *blank stare*
iCarly is teaching my son how to do squats. Why does that seem wrong to me? Really wrong; in ohh soo many ways.
it's clear i dont have a lot of young children in my life as i have no idea what icarly is :) However in talking to a coworker on the phone tonight, her 3 year old son (who i've never met or talked to) got on the phone to tell me he loved me. how can you not just adore children?? melts my heart every time :)
it's clear i dont have a lot of young children in my life as i have no idea what icarly is :) However in talking to a coworker on the phone tonight, her 3 year old son (who i've never met or talked to) got on the phone to tell me he loved me. how can you not just adore children?? melts my heart every time :)
Can't be a bad thing?? Atleast he can! Hehe!!
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