Thursday, October 29, 2009

blogging toast

I can't believe I missed it! I missed my one year blogiversary!
I haven't even hit 100 posts yet. Less than 100 posts in 365 days?
Woah! Bad blogger!

My blog needs a remodel. Like with our homes, after a while staring at the white walls becomes a little nauseating.
Thoughts? Ideas? My geek skills are unfortunately limited.

I haven't been feeling all that well but I'll save that for later. I just know that no human should still feel tired after sleeping all night then most of the day. That's all I do is sleep! But If I'm not sleeping, I'm in pain. Gah!

My new car is great. We're still getting to know each other. I'll admit, I've sworn at it a few times and I once wished I had my old car back. Giving up a V6 is tough.


Today I picked Boy Child up at school and one of our conversations went something like this....

"Hey Mom?! You know about fructose?"
Yes. What about it?
"Well... Z(boy at school) thought it was fruit on toast!"
Do you know what it is? Fructose?
"I know it's not fruit on toast!"

Go on! Say 'fructose' out loud. It sounds like fruit on toast!


Maryx said...

Yes please! Your blog will look awesome with a remodel. Let me know if you need ideas. Or just google 'free blogger layouts'. There's awesome stuff out there! Wish I could put my blog on random and have my layout shuffled all the time...

You have your new car? AWESOME! Congrats!!

What's wrong sweetie? That you're so tired and not feeling well? Maybe you should check if you perhaps have a calcium or iron shortage. That was my problem when I felt like you do now. And I think it's creeping up again.


Badass Geek said...

Fruit on toast? Sounds like a messy meal to me.

Happy Anniversary!

Jenn said...

Maryx: It's not iron or calcium; all my lab work came back 'remarkable'. I had a CAT scan yesterday, just waiting for results now.

BAG: I love fruit on toast! I put bananas on toast quite often, strawberries, blueberries...
...and thank you :-)

jenn said...

you're quite right about that. it does sound like fruit on toast!! :)