Tuesday, March 2, 2010

they must like me

Tomorrow I'm subbing music. Again.
The same students I had a few weeks ago. Boy Child's classmates along with 5 kindergarten classes. It's going to be a long BUSY day but this time... I'm not so blind.

I saw the teacher this afternoon so she gave me a quick run down and then told me to go with the flow and have fun with it! What a relief!!

So tomorrow... it's game on!

Apparently I'm doing something right because my phone is ringing and I'm being asked to return.
The kids have all made it onto the right buses at the end of the day or their parents have picked them up at dismissal time.
No child with a peanut allergy has gone into Anaphylactic shock.

There have been no trips to the nurse's office. None have the kids have cried, well except one because he lost his pencil, but I did NOT do it!!
...and I haven't cried.



Claudine said...

That's great to hear. You're doing a wonderful job, you'll probably have your own classroom in no time.

Anonymous said...

Chloe's comment is right!

Plus of course they like you. You are good at what you do. If you like teaching then I am all for you.

I want you to be nothing but happy. I want you to find your happily ever after!

Maki said...

Phew!!! You're doing it girl!! I respect teachers so much that I am so in love with you! :D

Good luck with the kids - I'm so proud of you!

Maryx said...

That's awesome sweetie! I'm SO happy for you and how amazingly well you're doing. YOU GO GIRL!!

*Trisha* said...

Haha :) No anaphylactic shock is always good.

Your day sounds like a success!!

Good to hear :)

Theresa Milstein said...

Sounds like you're hitting your stride.

I've made kids cry. What can I say? They cry easily, which is why they're not adults. I wrote a post about it: