Thursday, November 26, 2009

I give thanks

I’m not going home to visit my family this year, instead I’m spending it with my other family; my friends.
* I’m forever grateful for their friendship and their love.
* Boy Child is going to spend this holiday with his father and his family; this is a holiday we alternate. I’m thankful they are part of his life.
* The past month or so, my greatest guy friend has been super! I do not know what I would have done without him. I’m forever in debt to him.
* I baked my first cheesecake ever, it cracked but I tried and I’m not giving up.
* I’m thankful for my determination.
* My bestest girly friend: I’m thankful she’s home.
* I’m so thankful we adopted Baxter to add a little more craziness to our home.
* My mom and I getting along these past few months has been a nice change of pace. Her helping with the new car process has been a blessing also.
* Boy Child making an “I’m thankful for my Mom and Baxter” place mat at school.
* My electric toothbrush makes dentist visits much better. I love the dentist!
* School. I’m so close to getting to the end and it will be so worth it!
* I’m thankful that I passed my last science exam. It was a close call and damn scary towards the end.
* I’m thankful for Boy Child’s progress. He has come so far and has even surpassed expectations.
* I’ve been given a new medication and I cannot even begin to describe what it has done; I no longer sleep all day and my mood, wow! my mood has improved so much.
* My blog readers are amazing. I don’t have many but your comments are amazing, and even those that don’t comment your silence is okay too. I know you’re reading.
* I’ve been able to get sound sleep lately and that is definitely something to be thankful for!
* A little while back Boy Child and I spent a weekend with my Dad and his girlfriend of 11 years, and had a great time. It’s nice when we have quality time visits.
* I’m thankful that both my parents haven’t remarried just for the sake of remarrying to have a title and they know at the end of the day their love is all that matters.
* I’m thankful my mom has an understanding boyfriend; if it wasn’t for him she would not be here to celebrate birthdays and holidays.
* I’m thankful both my grandmothers are with us today.
* I’m thankful my Memere remarried and has showed us grandkids and the great-grandkids what love looks like; it’s a beautiful thing. Al is an amazing man and he’s blessed our family with something special.
…and most importantly I’m just thankful.


Badass Geek said...

We all have lots of things to be thankful for. Hope you have a great day!

Maki said...

Happy Thanksgiving, sweetheart!!!


Maryx said...

Lovely Post Sweetie!! We DO have a lot to give thanks to. And friends are the family we choose for ourselves so yeah! Enjoy!! =D

jenn said...

happy thanksgiving. so important to remember to be thankful & what a list you had. wonderful! :)

Anonymous said...


I love being home. It makes the day brighter and the thoughts sweeter!

You and I are like bread and butter.