Tuesday, November 24, 2009

kinda low

I have a few things I expect Boy Child to do around the house to help out, they’re not hard or all that demanding, but they are important.
One of the most important would be feeding Baxter. Baby kitty is 4 months old now and food is rather important for this growing creature. With the feeding responsibility also comes the, “Mom, Baxter is running low on food” responsibility.

This weekend we were at a pet store and I thought to ask about the pet food status and Boy Child mentions, “he’s kinda low”. I took that as; we have enough to last the weekend. I was not paying close to $20 for a bag of Science Diet there when I pay about $10 at the Vet’s office.

Sooo… we get home and I peak into the bag and… what do you know but he has barely… I mean barely a scoop of food left! I guess that did fit the “he’s kinda low” criteria.

Dammit! The Vet’s office is closed, tomorrow is Sunday, and well, $20 is ridiculous! I love that little fur ball and all, but come on!

Sunday morning comes and I whip Baxter up some breakfast. Yes, I stood in my kitchen and cooked my cat breakfast. Scrambled eggs!

Don’t judge.

While standing at the stove, I started to realize, I’m turning into my mother. She makes dinner for herself and then makes up a plate of food for her pets. This cannot be happening!

After I made Boy Child his breakfast, Baxter even enjoyed himself a few pieces of bacon.

This stops RIGHT. NOW!

Half a bag will now officially mean “kinda low”.


jenn said...

haha i love this. children are the best :) and you seriously gave your cat scrambled eggs??

Badass Geek said...

My mom has an old friend who makes her two dogs full meals every day. Wouldn't that get to be more expensive than the regular bagged food?

Maryx said...

HAHA!! Shame! So he learns hey! =D