Monday, September 28, 2009

I gave in

Many of you might remember when Boy Child and I moved, we also had to surrender our cats because our new place didn't 'allow' pets.
As time has passed we've had some crazy and chaotic moments.
We've also had some times of sadness. Sadness I haven't been able to blog about because I just cannot put the feelings into words; something very unusual for me.

August 26th, Boy Child's Grampie passed away, and this hasn't been an easy adjustment.
Of course, it never is. I think I've had a harder time than he has; I'm so emotional.

So between moving, the chaos, and Grampie passing, Boy Child has been having a hard time adjusting, common with SPD, he has been heard saying, "I wish I had a furry friend".

Now... if that doesn't pull at your heart strings!

I did some thinking, heavy thinking, talking to him about the responsibilities; this time would be different! I filled out the proper paperwork to allow us to have a pet here at the apartment and our search for a 'furry friend' began...

...and ended. I'd like to introduce you to Baxter, adopted from a local shelter.

I cannot even begin to describe the personality this kitten has. I've had many cats and so far, he really has been the best.
Sooo... last night, he was snuggled up in my lap while I was doing some school work and I noticed something, something that was too damn cute to pass up.
You'll have to excuse the quality, I used my blackberry to record him, it was all I had within reach.

(watch his mouth)


Anonymous said...

Baxter is ADORABLE.

jenn said...

oh. em. gee. i have two cats and i am probably a HORRIBLE cat mother for saying this, but...that is the cutest freaking cat i've ever seen. i want to steal him!!!!

Maryx said...

OMGAAAAWWWWWWDDDDDDD Baxter is SO MUCH of a cute overload today I hardly have words!

(Okay the fact that the words 'Sucker for Cats' are possibly invisibly tattooed on my forehead may make it easier).

Take Care Sweetie!!
I'm REALLY sorry to hear about Grampie. I know the feeling. My grandfather passed away in December, he was my whole life.

Badass Geek said...

Baxter is a great name for a cat. And he is too cute.