Friday, September 11, 2009

sink or swim

I’m 29. I’m almost 20-10!
I have an 8 year old son.
Dating. It’s not easy. It’s hard. Ok, it fuckin’ sucks!
Add a child to the mix and it’s not easy, it’s hard and fuckin’ sucks X 10!!

I’m domesticated and I’m already settled down in the child department. I don’t go out and do the party thing. I rarely drink and I don’t smoke. I have a small group of friends but when it comes to social outings, we don’t have much in common. I like being home, doing home things.
Between my mom duties and school for both Boy Child and I, I’m really busy.
Would I want it any other way? NO!

Does it help with dating? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

When a guy asks, “what you did today?” and you tell him….” I packed Boy Child’s snack, filled out his book order, volunteered at the school for picture day, made dinner, did dishes, helped with homework, gave him a bath and had the normal night time routine.” you can already see him rolling his eyes.
Then there is the question I absolutely hate… I mean HATE! “What do you do for fun?” Well… I do all kinds of things that are fun and a huge majority of them involve my child.
Chances are this is going to bore a guy to death and be on his ‘the last thing I want to hear’ list.
Yet I wouldn’t have it any other way. Being a single mom is tough!
Am I exhausted? Sure.
Am I complaining? NO!

I don’t do week night dates, I can’t; I won’t. I don’t have a sitter. I won’t get a sitter. I don’t believe in it. That is one thing The Mailman and I did agree on.
Then the weekend comes and you’re thinking… “Now you’re alone! Use this time to get out there and date!”
Well my loves, wrong!
Whatever I didn’t get done during the week I need to do now! This is my time of quiet, peace, and solitude. Here is a chance to do homework without having to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This is my time to clean the house and pick up toys without turning around and seeing those same legos back on the floor… again!

I can date and juggle all of this. I have done it before and I would happily do it again but this brings me to the problem. A lot of guys are not ready for this. They want to be eased into this.
Do I blame them? NO!
Guys have said they can do this. They can adjust into the domesticated lifestyle.
Newsflash: there is no adjustment period.
It’s either sink or swim.

I hope you brought your life preserver. Ya know, just in case.


Maryx said...

You Tell Them!!!!!!!!!
Some men are so damn... Oh I don't even have a word for it! (I have one in Afrikaans but it won't make sense).

Good luck sweetie... I'm also on the dating scene (although child-less) and it's absolutely horrible!

jenn said...

you'll find someone perfect who will love you and the boy child and all of those things that you just listed as "boring"...well they won't seem so boring to the right person. when you find someone who wants to be a part of your LIFE - they love it all. the pretty, ugly, and the "boring" :)

Anonymous said...

Uh huh!!!

It is sink or swim and it's about god damned time a man who is worthy stands up and says "no more bullshit, i want me a woman...not a girl"

Until then it's flogging the dolphin all by his lonesome...

And I think we can all agree that that is payment enough!!!