Monday, September 7, 2009

not the same

Last night I was chatting online with my greatest friend in the whole world, Amanda about, well we put a whole new spin on random.

Take a look:

Amanda: I am eating cowtails....they are yummy
Me: Ewww those poor cows!
Amanda: they are hard to chase
Me: omg-- totally disturbing
at the fair-- next to the sheep
ready for this?
the meat guide!
what body part is what for food
like the thigh is used for whatever-- the rump is roast-- blah blah... totally effin disturbing
Amanda: that is wrong
Amanda: PETA would have thrown paint on that!!!!
Me: PETA would have thrown paint at the whole thing
animals in cages-- blah blah
it was horrible
Amanda: yeah....I am not loving the whole fair farm thing
Me: yea-- I'm just not into it that much anymore
Boy Child loves the goats so much that I just want to open the gate and yell... run!!
Amanda: LMAO
Me: I'm serious! they're so flippin' cute
and they love him too
dammit-- frig the cat, I want a goat lol
Amanda: Ha ha ha.....I bet that would go over well with the compound
Me: these assholes can have cats and dogs-- snort pills, imma gonna get a goat
let them think they're hallucinating
Amanda: right......Onion would probably think it was a horse
Me: neigh!


Me: facebook is available in 65 languages
Me: who speaks 65 languages
Amanda: holy guacamole
Me: I didn't know there was even 65 languages to speak
Amanda: really.....yeah there are more than that.....I think
Me: that's disturbing!
if I start clucking and neighing will you still understand me? would facebook understand me?
Amanda: You have me dying over here......yes I will......farmese is easy to understand
Wait.....I have to say something funny
Me: wtf is that?
Amanda: that is my something funny
think about it and don't tell me you won't laugh
Me: umm Amanda
that's disturbing
Amanda: lol
you love it and you know it.....I make you laugh
Me: and kinda gross
Amanda: it was the first thing that came to mind

Even though she has moved away, we still have crazy random conversations whether they are via IM, facebook, or twitter but it's just not the same.

I miss my friend.


Maryx said...

Oh sweetie. I feel your pain.
It's horrible 'losing' someone to distance. You are so close though, you'll never grow far apart. I can see that. You are what friends are made of... You're so comfortable and random with each other. It's insane.

Good luck to both of you

Badass Geek said...

Yeah. Random? That sure is.

jenn said...

it never is the same - but thanks to technology - it's a whole lot easier than it was at one point :)

Anonymous said...

Words can not tell you how much I miss you!

So I will just express it like this....*sniff*