Monday, September 21, 2009

keepin' the doctor away

Being fall in Maine, this means it's time for apple picking. The hunt for those perfect apples; so much fun! Then eating that very first apple! Yum!

Here is Boy Child dragging out our treasure; 26 pounds of freshly picked apples!

So far I have made a crisp and 2 breads. One of those breads is going with him to school for his teacher.
Sadly, that has barely made a dent in our apple collection.

So there's crisp, pie, bread, muffins... (not big on sauce)

Oh... and not worry about my fiber intake that's for sure.

So, what's your favorite apple recipe?


jenn said...

YUM. My favorite is applesauce spice cake. Let me know if you want the recipe - its amazing!

Maki said...

Definitely apple pie - I love apple pie that I make from scratch!!

The photos look beautiful!!!

Maryx said...

WOW! That's a lot of apples. I have a problem with apples. My mother just about overdosed me with them when she was pregnant with me. I'll eat an apple, no problem, but ... not too many.

Good luck with all those apples!!

Badass Geek said...

Oh, apple pie, hands down. I could live on that stuff.

Anonymous said...

I can not believe you picked 26 pounds of apples....

I love apple pie....

BAG - For your birthday next year I will have Joes Gramom make you one....You will cry!