Tuesday, January 27, 2009

lick a pumpkin instead

Now I don't always agree with PETA; they're forceful, pushy and very much in your face! Sometimes too much.

Although, there are times I do agree with some of their thoughts and antics; I mean they did help convince me (and Boy Child) to become a vegetarian. I've wanted to become a vegetarian for a while now; was always on that fine line but they just gave me that little extra shove I needed.

So today... I'm doing my typical morning Google Reader thing and I see one of the greatest things PETA has yet to post for my viewing pleasure.
Seriously. You can read it here, or not, and just pay attention to me.

The folks at PETA proposed a Super Bowl ad, which was denied by NBC because, well it is way too hot for them to handle.

Admit it NBC!
Too. Hot. To. Handle.

Fuckin' prudes.

"High cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, prostate cancers or inflammations, and
hormonal imbalances cause the vast majority of all cases of impotence. The
good news is that medical science suggests that all of these conditions can
be managed or in some cases even prevented with a low-fat vegan diet."

You really should be thankful that PETA is making you aware that someday your man's meat may not work because he has eaten too much meat.

I mean think about it. There is nothing sexier than having to wait for that blue pill to kick in before you can start mackin' on your man. Sometimes we all fantasize about marathon sex sessions but are 4 hour sack sessions really all that hot? I'd like to walk to next day and not feel like I've been split in two. How do you explain that to people?

"Oh.. my man ate too much meat in his young adulthood so now his meat doesn't quite function properly (if at all), he takes a pill, we have marathon sack sessions which means I can't walk the next day."

Don't get me wrong, there is nothin' like a(n) (occasional) marathon sack session, but a girl has to have her limits. I know lube was invented for a reason but this girl needs me some sleep!


Anonymous said...

Oh that is too funny....

Lick a pumpkin instead.....


Anonymous said...


That is too hilarious......

Dooce is a riot.....

I love the tutu and the expression.....

I wanna be her friend.....wow, that was stalkerish!!!!

Yay....I am a blog stalker now.....

Andy - Instafather said...

Who knew that PETA could be too sexy to handle?

Habbala said...

I never knew vegetarianism was so damn sexy!!!

I tagged you over at my blog, go check it out!!


Pandora said...

I totally agree on the sex thing.I prefer quick and GOOD sex,rather than long-winding sex sessions that,in the end,tend to hurt more than give pleasure anyway.