Sunday, January 11, 2009

look at all these dust bunnies

I need to blog more. Seriously.
So much happens yet, nothing happens. I guess that's what you get when your mind races constantly and you still haven't figured out what to do with all that junk.

I need to continue on with how it started. Digging up that part of my past is almost painful, ok I lie, very painful, but I figured this is what needs to be done. I'm going to do it and then just let it go. If anything, someone out there might benefit from the hell I have been living.

Boy Child finally lost that damn tooth! Tonight actually. I didn't think he was ever going to give it up. I didn't have it in my heart to make him go through dental impressions with a loose tooth so I rescheduled his appointment for Monday the 12th thinking he'd definitely yank that sucker by then. He came home tonight from The Mailman's and exactly what I expected... tooth still hanging on for dear life.
"Boy Child, that tooth is coming out tonight!"
After hours of him friggin' around with it and exhausting himself, he finally raised his white flag (tissue) and I went over and barely tugged.
TaDa! We'll be having a visit from Miss Tooth Fairy tonight.
If this is what every tooth is going to be like... I'm raising my own flag! There are many more still to be pulled. *sigh*

I went with Jex grocery shopping today.

Big fuckin' mistake!!

When it comes to food we are night and day, black and white, oil and water. He eats crap and washes it down with liquid crap. When I go to his house I bring my own food and cook separate meals for Boy Child and I or I leave some edible items there for us. Irritating.

Ever since I have started this Vegetarian thing I have been really looking at food labels, watching what I shove down my gullet, and looking for new options. He is being supportive of my decisions and has made positive comments and is even willing to try some of my "hippy food" but today the scale was tipped. He does his shopping and I just kinda trail along... like I'm there but I'm not; his silent supporter because he hates grocery shopping alone. He's comparing prices of these particular brands of Rice in a Box and I'm just making faces. (I do this a LOT, my expressions always get me into trouble) He responds with the... "Hey, I'm on a budget!"

Ok, that's fine but geezus! I told myself I wouldn't preach about my "diet" to people. If they want to know then they'll ask. I always hated being force fed information *no pun intended* and I'm finding that I want to scream and shout at him that he's slowly killing himself. He might as well go run into that burning building without his turnout gear on; there really is no difference. Continue through the aisles and we get to the soda... Ugh! I dislike everything about soda. I haven't touched that shit in almost 7 years and I don't miss it. At all.
He puts 3 different brands, 12 packs or whatever they are, I don't even know anymore in the cart. That's when my face said it all and we decided I will no longer go grocery shopping with him.
Budget my ass! Those 3 cases of soda is what it costs me to buy veggies for the week for Boy Child and I... and then some.

Tonight is my last night of freedom, so to speak. Spring Semester Hell of '09 starts tomorrow morning at 10am sharp! I have my first Honors class, which in itself is intimidating. I don't even know if I've been accepted yet. I was invited to apply because of my GPA...blah blah blah and I applied, even registered for some honors level courses but being accepted has yet to be determined. Oh poo'
So Critical Writing and Thinking is at 10am till 12:45 then Tuesday I have Ethics, which is also 10-12:45. I'm not looking forward to classes starting back up but I'm starting to get excited because the end is in sight for me. Things could be promising but then I look at that damn student loan bill and I want to throw myself off a bridge. Is it really possible I borrowed that much money?

I didn't accomplish as much as I wanted to this winter break but what I did do, I'm damn proud of. I wanted to read a book or two (which is always unlikely)... I read four and I'm currently into my fifth. I've also done massive amounts of online research on vegetarian/vegan diets and foods. I want and need to know more. I'm just not getting enough information to satisfy my busy brain!!
I wanted to purge out my house; didn't get done but it will!
On a whim (kinda)... I started a vegetarian diet a few days after Christmas, and I have yet to eat any meat, drink milk or eat cheese. I have had about 3 yogurts but I felt like ass after. *note to self: get rid of yogurt*
I also gave up coffee. That was hard!! I used to drink a lot of coffee; we're talking almost a pot a day. Explains a lot of my "mysterious stomach problems". (TMI I know, get over it)
I'm loving green tea with some Stevia and lemon though. MMmm yummilicious!

Housekeeping session: over.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it WILD what a little bit of cheese can do to you after you cut it from your diet? I've learned the hard way... ahem... a few times.

Anonymous said...

Awesome news about the tooth....

I hate loose teeth....
