Thursday, January 29, 2009

You're it!

As a child hearing the words, "Tag! You're it!" can feel like stepping barefoot in a room full of tacks; painful, traumatizing or sometimes worse. That neighborhood chubby kid just couldn't keep up with those other little bastards. Then to make matters worse, her brother would play along, and he being 6 years older just made it no fun; at all.

You know how the game goes... you have to run to the designated "safe spot" before you're tagged. Well, those young chubby thighs could never get there fast enough.
Doomed from the get go. Time to kick ass, take names and start tagging. Yet again... those chubby legs could never catch up to those rat bastards.

Those young chubby thighs would eventually carry away a crying girl while leaving behind the laughing older brother. The older brother that seemed to have forgotten just who I was; the neighborhood chubby kid.


So because Bri over at Habbala: Spazzing Since 1985 seems play way nicer than that older brother of mine, she kindly informed me today that I was tagged. I didn't even have to chase anybody or run away; I love this kind of tag! Isn't she the sweetest?

So per her request here goes...

8 Things About Me
1) Post rules on your blog
2) Answer the 6 categories
3) Tag others

8 Favorite T.V. Shows
(here's a side note-- I hate television. I rarely watch it. When we move I'm canceling cable because we never watch it. Boy Child isn't even allowed to watch T.V. on school nights.)
1) E.R.
2) House
3) Ace of Cakes
4) Food Network!
5) Food Network!
6) Food Network!
7) The Suite Life of Zach and Coady (I'm a Mom remember)
8) iCarly (it's cute!)

8 Things I Did Yesterday (I'm rather boring- I promise)
1) Showered (very important)
2) Made sure Boy Child showered (also important)
3) Took Boy Child to school
4) Google Reader (rocks!)
5) Blogged (because PETA impressed me)
6) packed a few boxes
7) fancied up myself a rockin' salad
8) made Boy Child a fantabulous dinner of... I don't remember but he loved it!

8 Things I Look Forward To
1) moving
2) a new start in a new place
3) graduating
4) having a real size stove to cook on again! (you have no idea how happy this makes me)
5) that first hot bubble bath!
6) with wine!
7) more vegetarian meals
8) answers

8 Favorite Restaurants (a lot of these are old school- I haven't adapted since going Veg)
1) Miguel's (vegetarian fajitas Yumm!)
2) Chili's (Margarita chicken: Oh how I'll miss you!)
3) Margaritas
4) Ground Round
5) Sylvia's (breakfast with Boy Child here)
6) The Melting Pot (thanks for the reminder Bri--only been once but this place rocked when I was in VA)
7) The Village Inn
8) Memere's Kitchen (not an actual restaurant but she waits on me)

8 Things on My Wish list
1) time
2) answers
3) a new car (remember- I miss that VW)
4) a tricked out camera (hey people at Nikon- do ya hear me!?!!)
5) closet full of clothes because I have... like none! Seriously.
6) a trip to CA to see the other coast I was born seeing
7) student loans paid
8) A better education for Boy Child than I had/have for myself

8 People I Tag (I don't have many followers, or many that I know of, so if you're reading, I hold your responsible to do this on your own.)
1) You
2) You
3) You
4) You
5) You
6) You
7) You
8) You


Maki said...

Honestly, I get to do "You're it!" with my daughter all the time.(actually she forces me to do it with her..) - well, this post is a different kind, but I enjoy learning about you like this:)

Maybe I should do this tag...

Have a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...

Tagging myself! Go Check it out on Confessions of a Mega Somebody!


littletiara said...

so... I read it x( and I've been tagged by you... I'll do it pretty soon... and publish it in my blog, and let you know when I'm done x)