Sunday, January 4, 2009

show me your teeth

Boy Child has a loose tooth.

Now to you and me this doesn't sound like a big deal but to him; his world is falling apart. Being an(almost) 8 year old boy you'd think this would be second nature to him and he would be excited to yank out those suckers at the first sign of a wiggle.Nope. Not my kid.

In this house we take good care of our teeth. Brush twice a day. Floss and rinse once. Sometimes more. I am very particular about teeth. Very. I have stopped dating guys because of their hygiene habits or their teeth in general.
Hey! If you can't take care of your teeth, what else are you NOT taking care of?

Due to our oral hygiene habits, Boy Child has healthy teeth that are holding on for all they're worth and they do not want to be replaced by their adult counterparts. I hate to tell you this Miss Tooth Fairy, but you're going to have to wait for his goods!

He has only lost 2 of his sweet baby teeth. Two. By the time I was his age I was yanking out my teeth once I felt that jiggle. Maybe that explains the need for 4 1/2 years of braces.

Taking that first tooth out was a HUGE ordeal. I had to do it. There was blood. There was tears. He had to put his head down because "his tummy felt funny". The poor child was going to pass out! He's been traumatized. Miss Tooth Fairy left him $10.
Yep... she felt very bad for his first time experience. He thinks she's rich. Ha! He has no idea.
2nd tooth... different story. He lost it at The Mailman's (his father's) house while eating a cream roll. He took a bite into it then starting chomping and to his was crunchy! That tooth was barely loose! And... there was no blood; no big deal this time. Miss Tooth Fairy left him $1. Cheap Bitch.
Now this 3rd tooth is loose. I mean incredibly loose. The adult tooth has his poor gums all swelled up and he just doesn't realize it.

Background info on Boy Child: he has what is called Sensory Integration Disfunction or Sensory Processing Disorder; the terms are interchangeable. It is not something that is easily understood. I knew there was something "different, unusual, wrong" (I really dislike those words because there is nothing "wrong" with him) and bringing it to the attention of his doctor when he was 2 years old was an incredible challenge. The Mailman is still in denial. People just don't "get it".
If you want to read more about it you can here. Educate yo' self!

So tooth is loose... I'm telling him it should come out. He starts to tear up. (he is a little sensitive at times, ok a lot of times.)
I'm tucking him into bed last night and I offer to pull it out... again.

BC: "Mom, I just don't know"
ME: "What don't you know?"
BC: "I can't explain it."
ME: "Well try."
BC: annoyed face "Mommm! It will hurt."
Me: "The pain goes away."
BC: "It will bleed"
ME: "You didn't bleed to death last time. The 2nd time it didn't even bleed. You bleed when you pick your bug bites and you're ok. It always stops bleeding. You can drink cold water when its over"
BC: again... very annoyed "But Mom!! I don't taste the blood!!"

He rolled over and showed me his back. Conversation over.

Miss Tooth Fairy never made her visit last night. He goes to the dentist for impressions on Thursday to get a mouth guard for karate and if that wiggly pearly white doesn't come out by then he is in for a big surprise when that gawd awful slurp and suction pulls it out for him.

Ohhh... that is going to be an adventure in itself!

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