Thursday, February 12, 2009

Baby it's cold outside

It's official; I really do live in the artic freakin' tundra!

[courtesy of Jenn(ifer)]

I'm late on the announcement of this record breaking information but yesterday's event made me think of it; other than that I probably wouldn't have mentioned it.

Maine reached a record temperature of 50 below on February 3rd. That's 50 degrees below ZERO! I don't give a shit who you are, or where you live, that is cold! This fantastic event was talked about all over the world. Google it!

Personally, February 3rd, 2008 really was not a day of excitement. I don't know what the exact temperature was in my little town, but anything below zero is still below zero.

Yesterday I couldn't decide if I should wear my heavy ski jacket, my simple fleece or my pea coat because it was one of those sunny warm winter days. The weather here is just funny like that. I sported the pea coat and was a little too warm.

I pick Boy Child up after school then we go out to shop for some more things in preparations for our move and everyday life.

Now what I'm about to say completely struck me as funny because I never realized how bizarre it sounded. Don't deny the fact you've never said this because I know better! I've heard you! Really.

So... as I'm pulling in to the parking lot of big box store, I become completely blinded by the sun; leaving me no choice but to yank my visor down so I don't smash into someone and then the words:

"Shit, the sun's bright!" (I just lost Mother of the Year award)

come out of my mouth.

Well no shit Sherlock! What else is it supposed to be?

Yes, I'm completely aware there are times when Mr. Cloud and his brothers decide to cover up the sun or some other crazy event prevents the sun's brightness but seriously...

Today the sun may not be out in his glory here, but at least he's bright somewhere else!

1 comment:

Pandora said...

I am so jealous of your cold weather.I am dying of the heat over here in South Africa.