Thursday, March 19, 2009

Made by Pixies in the Magical Land of Yum!

Over a year ago I was introduced to this beautiful creation. A random guy in the grocery store was near Boy Child and I while we were discussing the fact that, "no, we are not making banana pops in the middle of winter. You can have peanut butter and chocolate chips."
This man then started talking with me about all the crazy concoctions we had both created with peanut butter and/or chocolate. He then asked me if I had ever tried Nutella.

I perked up... "Nutella?"

As he started to tell me about this creation, an intense sound of amazement and passion overtook him. I mean this man was literally up in the heavens. It was absolutely contagious, so contagious I couldn't get my ass over to the "peanut butter aisle" fast enough.

As I was scanning that section, up and down and side to side there it sat, all in its glory. That beautiful jar right on the top shelf. Then I looked at the price (I'm cheap)...Holy smokes! Seriously?
I read the ingredients... hazelnut? That made me a little nervous because I cannot stand hazelnut coffee and the actual nut I'm not too fond of, but then I saw it... the heavenly word of all words... CHOCOLATE!


That little jar went into the cupboard and I eyed it for days; nervous to try it. Always a skeptic. I finally convinced Boy Child to try it on a piece of bread first. He took a bite and his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.
I asked, "is it good?" He wasn't answering me. He was enjoying every moment that my question was of no importance to him.
I mumbled "frig this" and made my own creation of Nutella and bread. I smelled it and then took my first bite...

I seriously think I swore. It went something like "holy shit!" or maybe even something along the lines of "Oh my fuckin' gawd this is good!"

Ever since that day I've had an affair with Nutella. I put it on bread. I pair it with peanut butter, which is incredibly dangerous for me. I make Nutella and banana sandwiches. I'll eat that royal yumminess right out of the jar by the spoonful; I don't discriminate. Strawberries and Nutella have a serious love affair on sunny days. Take some vanilla cupcake batter, drop a bit of Nutella in there, swirl it, bake it and OH LA LA!! You won't even need frosting! Or frost those cupcakes with Nutella; you'll get more eternal bliss in your mouth. Seriously.
Top off your pancakes, crepes, waffles or whatever. Crackers. Cookies.
If you can dream it, it can be done!

So now if you'll excuse me I have some unfinished business to take of.


Anonymous said...


sounds good....

In fact I know of the dreamy heaven look on the man's face....

Definately made by Pixies

Badass Geek said...

Can you imagine if they actually sold an Orgasm In A Jar?

Jenn said...

Orgasm in a jar would solve a whole lot of my problems! ;-)