Saturday, March 21, 2009

we be jammin'

Those 2 tickets have been the source of a ridiculous amount of drama in my life lately and who doesn't love drama right?

Remember a while back I mentioned Jex puts a lot of thought into his gifts? Well those 2 tickets were a result of his wonderful thinking aka my Christmas gift.

So now that Jex and I are no longer together he wants the tickets back. It has been a huge back and forth battle; via
emails of course. Apparently they weren't a gift for me but for us. I don't get it. I have a lot of things to say about this issue but that's not exactly what this post is about. The end result is I'm going and he won't be accompanying me. Maybe that's a completely bitchy move on my part, maybe it's not. End of discussion. Period.

Now I have an extra ticket!
Problem already solved.
My best friend Amanda (Nora) will be going with me. She is absolutely the greatest. Completely. Totally.Go read her
blog too! She started me blogging but she hasn't been blogging herself a whole bunch. Go visit her, light a fire under her ass and make that change. She's über funny.
Her and I together = trouble!

Me being a single mom with few chances to hang my "Mom Hat" up and be the 20something year old I am and her being a mom to two wild and crazy boys who also doesn't get the chance to hang up her "Mom Hat" and be the *cough*something year old, we are going to enjoy this concert for every damn thing it is worth!

She's never been to a concert, I've never been to anything that mattered. We've also never done a road trip of sorts so this is what we're going to do.
We're leaving on Friday and not coming back till Sunday!
Seriously freakin' excited!!
When motherhood starts at 20 things like this do that to ya.
Granted it is only
Maine to New Hampshire, but when you live in East Bum Fuck Maine and it will take at least 5.5 hours to get there, we are not going to just make this a day trip.

Friday: drive drive drive
Friday night: concert with
Matt Nathanson, Billy Currington, and and and... Sugarland!
After concert: drive half hourish to a cheap hotel (we want extra play money for the weekend)
Saturday: whatever-wherever in NH: feel free to submit your ideas
Saturday night: find another cheap hotel
Sunday: few things here and there and then drive drive drive

All that driving means we need mu... mu... music! I have a decent collection of tunage but there must be a roadtrip playlist. You can't argue with the fact that some music is better for driving than others. I want to load up my iPod, another thoughtful Jex gift, with great music! Really great music. Yes, I could upload all my Matt Nathanson, Billy Currington, and Sugarland tunes but I mean really, come on, I want more.

What do you have on your playlists? What do you jam to when you're driving? Leave me your thoughts and ideas. I have a pretty eclectic taste in music. Amanda does too; or at least she will for that weekend.


Anonymous said...

weeeee....beeeee...jammminnnnn.....oh yeah baby....

I challenge BAG to let us know what his playlist is...

We are going to tear up Maine to NH.....

I am so excited....

Anonymous said...

When you drive for a long time it's the best to listen various music: a little expressive, then a little lyric or romantic. You have a pretty eclectic taste in music, have not you? May I offer something from my usual play-drive-list? The most romantic music what I have listened last years plays Brazzaville. Also I like Morcheeba, Zero 7. They play in DownTempo. But when I get sleep I need a real loud music. I like trance: Paul Oakenfold, Devid Guetta, Apollo 440. When I was teen I liked rock music, of course:)
Sometimes a radio helps me. That's all.

Good drive, nice music.

Kerry said...

Hells yes those are your tickets!!

That is going to be a blast. Some of my fav road trip music: Rusted Root (Specifically "Send me on my Way" from the When I Woke album), MGMT, "Sunshine" by Atmosphere, "Let's Go" by The Hopefuls, "Goodnight Goodnight" by Hot Hot Heat, "Naive" by The Kooks, "Wagon Wheel" by Old Crow Medicine Show.

Now I SO want a road trip!!

Jenn said...

KerryLee! Darling!

Love Love LOVE Your music recommendations! I downloaded every damn one of them.

Completely and totally awesome!
Feel free to send more sometime ;-)

Badass Geek said...

Ah. I'm in West Bum Fuck. I like music when I drive anywhere, whether is five minutes or five hours.

Badass Geek said...

Oh, and Metallica is my favorite for road trips. It's high energy and LOUD.

Kerry said...

Glad you liked 'em!