Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday Moment

Boy Child has some of the coolest action figures. Heck, he has some of the coolest toys.

I go without so he doesn't have to. I will not deny that he is certifiably spoiled. Spoiled but not rotten.

This apartment has a tub, whereas all our previous homes only had a shower. What a pain in the ass that was.
Never take your tub for granted.
Love and honor thy tub.

Boy Child has a lot of tub time to make up for and he is doing a damn good job at it. He requests the water to be "this hot"; hot enough where it leaves his skin that shade of pink that stays beyond his completed water missions.

He also requests bubbles and his "guys". So I fulfill his requests and leave him alone to accomplish his missions. He is also requesting 'privacy'. Ohh boy!

Seeing that it is nasty outside and snowing like it is no one's business, school is cancelled for both of us. I let him lounge around in his "pajammies" for a while then it was off to the tub!

An hour! Seriously. That child was in there for an hour! Getting him to pay attention to my directions for 2 minutes is damn near impossible, but he'll sit in water for an hour! That blows my friggin' mind!

I went upstairs to make sure he was still alive and rescue him from the evil men he was playing with; I was sure they had him tied up by now.

I brought the camera with me for evidence. Ya know... in case the police didn't believe me that these little men had tied up my Boy Child.

He wasn't tied up but he was peaking at me!

These are the coolest looking freaks I have ever seen!

He was getting seriously annoyed with me.
Who enjoys having their picture taken when they're naked?
Other than Jenna Jameson of course?

He is too young to look that old!

Remember the drama with tooth #3?
Well, tooth #4 was pulled out last Tuesday with just as much drama, if not more.


*Elle* said...

I love that picture of his pruney little fingers... so funny!

Anonymous said...

Wrinkly little fingers and a toothless smile.....

Obviously we have a Ben Button on our hands....

I will love and honor and never forsake my tub, I will be there for it in sickness and in health, till death do us part....I DO