Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm seeing green

St. Patrick's Day. Never got it. Never understood it. Don't judge me.

I just know people wear green, shout "Kiss me I'm Irish!" even if they're not and eat food that is associated with Ireland. We can't forget about those cute lil leprechauns and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Yes, I know I forgot the drinking. Just another day. Just another excuse to sling one back.


In honor of the 17th day of March we wore green. Something about being pinched if you don't? Who makes this shit up?
I'm all set with being touched by strange random people all day.

Stay out of my personal space bubble!

Like Valentine's Day, where I do something special for Boy Child, I also do something for St. Patrick's Day. It is never anything huge and crazy. This one is all about small and simple because well, it's only March 17th.

Last year he went off to school with green pancakes in his tummy. Talk about an excellent start to a day! Getting those bastards the right shade of green was not an easy task either.

Today... well, we've had a rough day. He started his day with a new snazzy jazzy T-shirt and some rockin' green funky socks. He spent the later part of the day at the doctor's office followed by a trip to the hospital for x rays. It was a whirlwind of activity!

The school served corn beef and cabbage for lunch, which he didn't eat. It came time for dinner and I was tired and frankly my dear, lazy. I started to wrack my brain with ideas and I was coming up short handed because I was determined to keep it March 17th themed.

Then... finally it hit me! If it was a snake it would have bit me. Seriously.

Internet, I'd like to introduce you to dinner.

Green Mac & Cheese!

I paired it with tofu dogs and we had a crazy and fantastic combination! A great ending to, well a crazy day.

Happy Green Wearing 17th day of March!

1 comment:

Badass Geek said...

Green Mac & Cheese! Creative!

We had green eggs and ham one year. It wasn't as good as it sounds.