Saturday, November 1, 2008

I need to do what?

Sooo... this afternoon I check out clevergirlgoesblog (read her stuff, she makes me literally laugh out loud!) and low and behold today's post is about nablopomo.

Huh? What? you ask. Yea- it looked foreign to me too.
Well guess what; it's National Blog Posting Month!

Yea no shit! Whodathunkit? Not me that's fo' sure! I never even knew such a thing existed. So the whole deal is you're supposed to blog every day for the entire month. Yep! EVERYDAY for the WHOLE month.

I figured what the heck. Why not? I'm just starting this thing; which by the way is like CRACK!! My life seems like a TV show sometimes and I could seriously blog several times a day about the day's events. I'll post everyday, get this frigger up and going and then who knows.

Ohh I know! I'll procrastinate some more, stare at the dishes in hopes that they'll wash themselves, maybe the laundry will get put away too, homework and papers won't need my brain and I can just fluff around on the computer all day because I mean really, that's the perfect life other than being a ROCKIN' MOM!!

And I have to do this because... "I promised" So here goes nothing...

Oh and in case you were wondering my head and *still* full of snot! Ick!

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