Wednesday, November 26, 2008

secrets don't make friends

Dear Victoria,

My crazy mailman delivered your newest catalog today and I looked through it because it's like a bad car crash; you just cannot help it!! Really.

But... I have come to the conclusion that you suck!!

Real people do not look like those "people" you have in there. Where do you even find these girls?

My boobs... they will never be that round, perky, perfect, whatever... ever! (unless you're buying 'em for me) This body has gained and lost weight several times. I once lost about 150 pounds; you should see what happens to boobs then. Horrific!
I've also had a child. Do you even realize what pregnancy can do to a *real* person's breasts? Like woooah!!

Stretch marks? Where are they? Woman get them even if they don't have kids; men too without the kid stress. Hello people!! Skin stretches through childhood... hence the term we like to use-- streeeeetch marks. Learn it- live it!

Whoever has an ass like that- bless them! Again... pregnancy, weight gain/loss wrecks havoc on your body! *Real* people just don't look like that.

Today's mail delivery has me a little disturbed because it eventually becomes bathroom reading material for men. These men oogle over these perfect breasts, asses, thighs, and non bearing stretch mark bodies; along with many other unrealistic traits. We're going to get into bed with our men feeling like we're competing with... well, that. Ick. It's impossible. Seriously.

My body has come a long way from where it was; I'm a lot more confident now than I used to be but that does not mean there won't be a nagging voice inside my head.

So Victoria... granted you do have some ass'tastic skivvies! and some boob'licious bras! I know that spending $1million dollars on your fabric will not give me the boobs and ass that your "girls" have.

So Victoria... your secret is out!!
I'm going to Wal-Mart, at least those catalogs don't end up in my bathroom.

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