Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I haven’t given an update on Baxter, well since we brought him home from the Shelter.
He is crazy!
I have never seen an animal like him. Boy Child and Baxter play chase, ya know- something like a boy and a DOG would do, only- well Baxter is a cat. I have video!

Last night The Boyfriend (he really needs a new ‘name’) was over and the two of them were terrorizing each other, something very common, but it’s given with extreme love and affection.
Of course.
So in the middle of all that I was able to capture this!

How freakin’ cute!

The cat has been an awesome addition to our family though. He is just as quirky and neurotic as we are.
I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Well other than a few less knocked over plants, less things BROKEN, less biting and definitely less scratching but HEY, you can’t have it all.

1 comment:

Maryx said...

WOW!!! He's absolutely adorable!
You've gotta post more pics!! PRETTY PLEASE

(Your explanations sound SO familiar) HEHE