Monday, January 25, 2010

mission accomplished

Yesterday I accomplished what I thoughts was going to the impossible.

Cleaning Boy Child’s bedroom.

It was literally a disaster; Hurricane Boy Child swept through there like there was no tomorrow. Fierce.

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I had to take pictures because if you didn’t see it, you wouldn’t believe it; even Baxter is disgusted.

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The accomplished mission took me about 2 hours and much assistance from the Boy. I am so proud of him! He did an excellent job picking and choosing the toys he wanted to keep and which ones he didn’t. Two bags of trash and one bag of items to Goodwill later… Tada!!

Now if only we can keep Hurricane Boy Child at bay for a little while.


Claudine said...

Great job, Mom! ;-)

Michelle Schraudner said...

What a project! That's great that he was such a good helper!

jenn said...

the people on that show "hoarders" would be so proud that you had no trouble giving things up :)

oyveyheyhey said...

Want to move into my house and do this for me on a daily basis?

Seriously though, just two hours to accomplish all that? I get so easily side-tracked, I am IMPRESSED!

Badass Geek said...

Nice work!

*Trisha* said...

Wow. Looks like you did a lot of work. Feels great being productive huh? :)

Hurricane Boy Child. haha! Great nickname :)