Monday, January 4, 2010


I don't care to date guys with children.
Dating is complicated enough but once you add a child to the mix things become more complex.
Add another two or three and it's an impossible feat.

I think guys who won't date single moms are judgmental and shallow. If anything, becoming a parent has made me a better person. I am more understanding, patient, appreciative, open-minded, grounded, etc.

This new situation only Boy Child is involved. I can tell you that there is now a little less stress.
Why? ... well The Date has asked what works best for us. He didn't avoid the subject-- he approached it head on. The subject being the most important aspect of my life: Boy Child.

I have always tried to put off the introduction, but through the years I have learned there is no time that is the best.
And as for the introduction? There really is no proper method for that either.

What I have learned, is to be open and honest. Boy Child and I have that kind of relationship and I will not put that in jeopardy. Ever.
It will start as an introduction based on friendship.
I am allowed to have male friends just like he has female friends at school. When things progress, the introductions and invitations to events with us increase.

I don't know of any other way.


jenn said...

i think it's perfectly fine to be overprotective of your child. i think more single moms SHOULD be. some of them put their children through so much because of their own selfish needs.

but i do love that you think men who won't date single mom's are shallow & you won't date single dads. that's not hypocritical - that's just called being a woman. :)

Maryx said...

Totally agree with Jenn!

(Btw this Jenn vs Jenn thing is getting slightly confusing *grins*)