Sunday, January 3, 2010

change of plans

Happy 2010!

I hope everyone celebrated the New Year properly and did it safely!

dating update:
Mother Nature is still having her PMS spazz attack but we didn't let that stop us. Instead we changed the plans a little bit and had our date at my house.
WAY better.
I was relaxed and comfortable in more ways than one; even he said he liked the idea of staying in.
I'll leave the (not so) boring details out but the date was a success and future dates have already been discussed!
Like... hockey games in the near future. I LOVE hockey games!!

I hope he's prepared for this.

p.s. The guy can cook! Yes, that's right! He cooked us dinner, in MY kitchen!


jenn said...

yay!!! that's so exciting. can't wait to hear more :)

Mr O said...

well that's pretty cool that things worked out at the house like that.

Good luck in future dates and I hope I don't sound stalkerish when I say keep us updated!

Claudine said...

That's exciting! Looks like this one has a potential!

Jenn said...

Not stalkerish at all!

Updated you will be :-)

Maryx said...


Can't wait to hear more... Don Don Doooooonnnnnn! =D hehe