Thursday, December 30, 2010
200 plus 1
I have started a new blog. A blog I'm already very happy with.
New. Fresh. Happy. Changes.
This blog has been through so much. Ups and downs... so many downs. It's time for change.
It's time to be jenn :-)
Friday, December 24, 2010
happiness in blue
I thumb through its pages and then immediately look at its prices: $25.99.
"I'm not paying that!"
Then I continue to read and think.
I'm not happy. Something is wrong with my life. I just might need this book.
So from here I'm going to walk to the register and purchase myself a Christmas present, a new beginning.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Well, this weekend I decided to dig up that ad and read it, I was curious as to what I had written that was so captivating to this guy who is now so distant.
"I love smiles. I’m looking for a guy who will make me weak in the knees with his.
The sound of laughter makes me laugh. I want someone who is going to make me laugh or better yet, laugh with me.
I’m a mom and all the things that go with it. I’m more patient, understanding, open-minded, and a few other qualities someone might/should find important.
I'm a college student, an active board member for a local non-profit organization and I work in the local school system.
A guy that can go with the flow is a super bonus. A man who knows how to communicate his wants, needs and desires but is not going to forget to listen to mine. We get comfortable in life and our communication levels often stay on the surface. I like to think I’m deeper and more passionate than that. I want to know why the grass is green and the sky is blue. A simple yes or no answer does not always work for me. I will challenge you, because I want to be challenged.
I used to think I didn’t know what I was looking for but as time passes I’m becoming more aware that I really do know; it’s just a matter of finding that person."
So after reading that... I don't have that. I'm not seeing it. I've lost it.
The new year is coming and so are new changes. I'm tired of crying. I can't handle being depressed anymore. Anxiety is not friendly and to top it all off... I can't afford the medication that is supposed to keep me sane. Shit's deep around here; good thing I have some new Bogs!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
feels good... feels fine
I've been seeing this guy for almost 5 months. That is quite a while in my world. Why, it has yet to be determined. I'm used to super sonic speed in my dating world and things always crash and burn when that happens. They not only crash and burn... but they crash fast and burn hard.
This one is different. Slow different. I don't even know what to say, but after spending the weekend with him, having some conversations, not only with him but the shrink-- I feel at peace.
I feel like I'm going to be alright with continuing on with seeing this guy, even if things are super slow and completely out of my comfort zone... and even if my friends don't like him. I think I'm going to be ok.
I went to work today not feeling mad, angry or even sad... I just went to work. After work I went to the gym... ran 2 miles and did a short workout.
I went home and didn't drink... didn't feel like I had to. I ate salad and made one for tomorrow's lunch.
Changes... they're going to happen. It feels good... it feels fine.
Monday, November 22, 2010
single but not
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
bottoms up
I never used to. At least not like I do now. Weekdays. Weekends.
Last weekend I drank and woke up not remembering a whole bunch of events from the night prior. I barely knew where I was.
Maybe you could say I have a problem, maybe you could say I don't because I've seen people who drink a hell of a lot more than I do, and DO a LOT worse than I do and/or have.
I know that if I don't do something, what-- I'm not sure- it is going to get worse. Way worse.
I have an addictive personality. I'll latch on to this and not let go. It WILL get worse and WILL get harder to kick.
I haven't had a drink since Saturday night. I want to really bad. I also want to dump every single drink I have in this house down the drain because what occurred Saturday night and Sunday morning put one hell of a scare in to me.
Like I said... I don't know who I am anymore.
I don't want the same people around me anymore. I don't want my job. I don't want to live in the same house. I want to start over somewhere; anywhere but here. I've already dropped out of school.
This whole thing is starting to scare me but at the same time, I'm not living in this world; someone else is.
b, b and well b
Oh... and should I mention, drinking seems to have entered in to my world?
It has.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
... her crazy sense of humor
... her chocolate chip cookies
... her reading to me
... watching her do crossword puzzles
... always seeing a People magazine on the bedside table
... running threw her sheets right after she'd hang them up on the clothes line
... Eskimo kisses
... her compassion
... her passion
... her special nickname for me
... Connect Four
... her jewels
... the smell of White Diamonds
... our visits
In the end, all we have is memories.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
may you rest
Somebody has bigger and better plans for you.
I've never been a believer of God. God doesn't take people you love away from you. He doesn't hurt you. He doesn't cause you grief or pain. He always has a bigger and better plan.
But today, today I believe.
Today he took you from us. He has a bigger and better plan for you.
Much bigger.
You were tired, hurting, and had lived an amazing life. It was time.
We all loved you to our greatest capacity. I believe we even loved you above and beyond that, and you most definitely loved us.
I know you may have spent the past 7+ years in nursing homes but I truly believe you had an amazing life. A life full of love and happiness and now it is time for you to have peace.
May you always have unlimited visits to Hawaii with Grampa who has been patiently waiting for you for 25 years, may you eat macadamia nuts till you're about to explode, here's to hoping you will always be by the ocean, the place you always took me to, and may there always be a crossword puzzle ready to complete.
Love you always,
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
why I run
I'm the girl who couldn't lose weight so I had to have gastric bypass surgery or my future was not going to be that sunny shade of yellow I needed it to be.
8 years after surgery I'm running and it feels good.
I have been able to keep the weight off with just the guidance of gastric bypass but it's becoming harder and harder everyday, so I decided it was time to do something else.
This is the addiction I chose.
It has been a slow starting progress but I am getting there.
I run because...
... it's peaceful
... rewarding
... exhausting. After I'm done, I take some of the greatest naps!
... energizing. I do some of my best housework when I return from a run!
... I need discipline
... I need motivation
... I'm tired of saying "I wish I could run like that" when I see someone run
... I want to be that person people see and say "I wish I could run like that"
... I'm learning knew things about my body
... I want my son to grow up and see me doing something healthy
... someday, maybe my son will run with me
... it has built connections with people I never knew existed
... I look at myself differently
... I think about myself differently
... I want others to look at me differently
... I am no longer the girl who "just had gastric bypass"
... I am doing something physical
... I want to race in a 5K
... or more.
... I want my races to be for charities so my growth is their gain.
I run because I want to!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
making progress
Since the whole fiasco with Mr. I'm going to Date You but Put up A Personal Ad has happened I've buckled down and become very serious with working out and running. Taking care of me.
and YES!
I started the couch to 5k program and absolutely love it! I'm even enjoying my gym workouts. I have no idea who I have become but I think I can deal with it.
So today's interval was a 5 minute walking warm up then 20 minutes of running finishing with 5 minutes of walking.
I am so excited that I was able to run at least 20 minutes, I signed up for a 5k race!
Do you remember last year I talked about the Dempsey Challenge?
Well, I decided this year, I'm going to have my first 5k race not only be about my progress but be for someone else; those who need it! It's really not about me, it's about them.
So this is what I'm asking you, my readers. Please consider donating to the Dempsey Challenge.
We've all been affected by cancer. It may not have been us personally but it has been someone close to us; a mother, father, brother, sister, grand parent, even a neighbor.
I have to raise $150 in donations, please spread the word and make my first 5k race one that will be memorable not only to me, but also to you and to those your donations will help in the future.
Thank you.
Click Here to Donate
Friday, July 30, 2010
before facebook
You could keep it private or you could go public with it when YOU were ready, now you really can't. It's out there like a gay drag queen. LOOK AT ME!!! (no offense to gay drag queens of course)
Damn you facebook for making things just a little more complicated.
Someday I'd like to be able to break up with the internet like a bad boyfriend, but I don't ever see THAT happening!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
a positive note
Something I have realized that I really enjoy about having a long distant relationship, a relationship where your boyfriend has a personal ad on a dating site, or even when I'm single all together is I get to wear "granny panties".
Yep, my nasty ugly underwear. The ones I would never want anyone to ever see yet the ones that are the most comfortable on my ass. They offer the most loving for my rear.
Just saying.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
private investigation
But... I've recently read his (active) personal ad.
Isn't life a bitch!?!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
the internet
For the better. For the worse.
One web site has just turned my world upside down.
Rattled my brain, killed my appetite and has made me throw up a little.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
say what?!
Yesterday's horoscope went a little something like this:
Someone is making wedding plans! Whether that is you, or someone you love, the atmosphere will be exciting and romantic, and for once, you won't be in the mood to fight it. Expect all kinds of phone calls with good news. Don't spoil it by gnawing on the details.
Somedays I am better off NOT reading my horoscope and yesterday was definitely one of those days.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
who was I kidding
Did I really think I was going to be able to start AND finish something. Apparently I did, but typical Jenn style, I didn't finish.
So... this is what we have left...
Day 18: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19: A talent of yours
Day 20: A hobby of yours
Day 21: A recipe
Day 22: A website
Day 23: A YouTube video
Day 24: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25: Your day, in great detail
Day 26: Your week, in great detail
Day 27: This month, in great detail
Day 28: This year, in great detail
Day 29: Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30: Whatever tickles your fancy
and because I love each and every single one of you... I am going to continue my track record of not finishing. Should you want me to answer one of these... let me know and your wish is my command.
Until then... on with regular posting.
feeling crazy
I wouldn't say drastically, but it has changed enough that I sometimes have to step back and really look at what is happening.
The Man lives 115 miles away. 2 hours away therefore I spend 4 hours a weekend driving. I'm not complaining but in all reality- it sucks. Looking at the bigger picture The Man lives near my hometown, where I grew up; an area I have avoided like the plague for the last 10 years.
Now I look forward to going there every weekend. What the heck is wrong with me!?!!
Oh yea... I've been bitten by the love bug.
I've been bitten so bad I've started a new job search. A job search that would relocate us. My family. The family that includes Cole, Baxter and of course yours truly.
I have tried to explain how I feel about this man, about this situation, and well... whatever else pops up in my mind and I truly cannot. I feel like I've gone mad.
Almost instantly when I saw him, I knew. He was going to be my last date. He was going to be my last first kiss, but every kiss feels like the first.
How do you explain all this to people? How do you tell someone you know that this man you've only known a short time really is it. I've heard that when you know, you know. People say you can feel it instantly. It's not something you have to develop over time; it's either there or it's not.
Well baby, it's there.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I have a small, real small, group of friends that I keep in touch with on a regular basis and well, that's it.
I moved away from my hometown about 10 years ago in hopes of starting over, making new friends, rebuilding... ya know-- the whole works and I'm back where I was before the move; feeling very lonely.
My best friend Amanda is going through some pretty serious life changing experiences right now and I'm doing my best to help, but I don't have a magic wand and my thoughts, ideas, and verbalization's are... 99% of the time what she probably does NOT want to hear. So I have to step back and let it be I guess.
Another friend of mine, Ed, has found himself a gal and well, the rest is history.
So about expanding that social circle of mine? This isn't going to be easy.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
30 days: day 17
Back when I took an art class I had to replicate a painting and this is what I chose. Georgia O'Keeffe's painting of The Lawrence Tree.
Such a stunning tree. This painting can be hung in any direction because the interpretation is the same: you are under the tree looking up.
Love it!

30 days: catch up
Day 14: A non-fictional book
Day 15: A fanfic
I'm skipping the book posts despite my great love of books. I have a really hard time with coming up with my own reading material, never mind referring something to you. I might recommend something at a later time. I'll keep you up to date when I do though :-)
Day 16: A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
This song is so incredibly powerful to me. My Dad introduced me to this song and Cowboy Junkies back in the day. The first few times I heard it with him I can remember that strong man crying and I have had that very same reaction since.
it hurts sometimes
They hear you but they don't really hear you.
I can only say and do so much but because I care my heart seriously aches.
At this point, I'm going to sit back and not get involved... again.
This is going to be so painful.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
30 days: day 11
30 days: day 10

I believe I'm 4 in this picture. Check out my grandfather smoking the Camel non filter's! Ohh and that yellow chair!! That ugly chair stayed in our family for years!
I miss them both.
30 days: day 9

This was taken a few years back, you can tell because he is so tiny!
I took Cole to Fort Knox on a nice cool day to do some exploring. We always have a great time when we go.
I strongly encourage you to check out the link and read about the Fort and the Observatory our great state has. I'm so lucky to have this right in my back yard.
30 days: day 8

This is the tree that is in front of the house we used to live in. The home we moved to when Cole was only 20 months old and then left when he was 7. We both did a lot of growing there.
I miss this tree! It used to bloom beautiful flowers and you were only able to enjoy them for a few days, but those days were absolutely amazing.

Leaving everything behind that is/was connected to that house still makes me sad.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
not a sub
I'm so excited I could pee. I'm like brand new puppy excited.
I'm that excited. I don't think I'll be able to sleep for at least a week.
hot damn!!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
30 days: day 7

I absolutely love this picture.
I was laughing while trying to take our picture and he was having no part of it. (but notice that cute little smirk of his)
...and that is just how he started out 2nd grade... a little more independent and serious than the year before.
30 days: day 6
Do not facebook stalk.
I repeat... do not facebook stalk.
I wish I could elaborate but I think we all know enough about this and what happens or doesn't happen.
If we're meant to know, we'll know. You go hunting for it-- you're bound to not like what you're going to find out.
...consider that my PSA for today.
you're welcome.
30 days: day 5
I read this everyday. It's on my refrigerator to remind me of my transformation, everything I have been through and will continue to go through.
Sometimes it is just what I need to get through my day.

30 days: day 4
The fact that my favorite book is a children's book shouldn't surprise you.

I can remember my Gram reading this book to me and shortly after Cole was born, I bought him his own copy.
It's just that special!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
30 days: day 3
It used to be ER. I cried when the season ended. I mean criiiiiiied! But then I found a new love and I know I will cry when this one ends next fall, on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11.
But there is no question, no doubt in my mind this is my favorite!
Often times this show will leave me in tears, begging for another episode right away, or sitting on the edge of my seat! Oh, and let's not forget- Denis Leary, well he's easy on the eyes.
30 days: day 2
Again... I have a few favorites but I think this one stole my heart because of one line in particular. It's the romantic in me I guess.
30 days of Me
30 Days of ME
Day 1: Your favorite song
Day 2: Your favorite movie
Day 3: Your favorite television program
Day 4: Your favorite book
Day 5: Your favorite quote
Day 6: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 7: A photo that makes you happy
Day 8: A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9: A photo you took
Day 10: A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11: A photo of you taken recently
Day 12: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13: A fictional book
Day 14: A non-fictional book
Day 15: A fanfic
Day 16: A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17: An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19: A talent of yours
Day 20: A hobby of yours
Day 21: A recipe
Day 22: A website
Day 23: A YouTube video
Day 24: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25: Your day, in great detail
Day 26: Your week, in great detail
Day 27: This month, in great detail
Day 28: This year, in great detail
Day 29: Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30: Whatever tickles your fancy
Favorite song!
I have many favorite songs but I think this is at the top of my list. Not just because of the song but the video gave me goose bumps the first time I saw it and continues to.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
just a sub
That's what I keep telling the kiddo I work with because she has high hopes I'll be her one on one ed tech next year.
In a few short days my job will be over, because I'm just a sub, and someone else will have the possibility to grab it and go.
BUT because I don't want to just be a sub I applied for the position.
I want this job! I need this job. To have some stability would be an amazing thing at this point in my life, in my son's life.
I submitted my resume, application and three great letters of recommendations.
Then I waited. And waited. I even waited some more and started to lose hope so I applied to other places for anything, anywhere I could submit my resume to.
Today, while at work I received a message to call the superintendent's office. I have an interview scheduled for next week!!
An interview!
I'm crawling out of my own skin. To sub I did not have to interview, it was a strange process but whatever.
I have to interview on Monday. I'm horrible at first impressions! Give me a few days and I can schmooze my way into your heart but there is no way in hell I can bat my eyelashes and make you my bitch in less than an hour!
I need to capture these people. This is super important because I'm up against people who have more qualifications than I do but I've been subbing for this position. Ya follow?
So... help me out. Give me all your hints, tips, tricks, advice! I want this so bad I can taste it.
...and it tastes so sweet.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
a lot can happen in 8 years
My life has forever been changed. When I say forever, I truly mean forever.
My brain and my body image do not match. They never will.
Food is my enemy. I have nightmares about said enemy, where I will wake up in a cold sweat.
The days where I could eat a pizza, bag of chips AND guzzle a soda are forever gone.
Do I miss them? Hell yes!
There is nothing more convenient than popping open a soda, guzzling that shit down and calling it good.
But when I dig deeper into that question, no-- I do not miss it at all. Those things are what made me fat to begin with.
300 pounds fat.
My food choices still are not perfect, they never will be. Ya know, the whole enemy thing.
Once you have an eating disorder you'll always have an eating disorder!
But today something struck me while I was at the grocery store. A woman came up to me, a woman who herself has had gastric bypass, and she wanted to ask me a question about skin removal. (I had that done 6 years ago this week also)
She asked and I answered.
She then proceeded to tell me I was so beautiful, she just wanted to look like me.
I guess if anything, the past 8 years of crying, throwing up a million different kinds of foods, skipping on the red meat and soda, welcoming bipolar into my life, having friends not understand you, your surgery or your lifestyle just might have been worth it after all.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
punched in the gut
To the average person this sounds exciting, but in our home this causes insane amounts of frustration and pressure.
Cole has a hard time being away for more than 2 nights and the fact that dad actually wants to do something as elaborate as camping was a shocker in itself.
Cole and I had a discussion about the camping trip, when it would happen and where it would be. At first he was excited but then... the anxiety set in.
He's not sure.
So much truth came out of my little boy's mouth tonight I'm not sure how to feel. I just know it's my job to protect him to the best of my ability but when the law says you must send your child to the other parents house, my hands are tied.
Cole is bothered by his dad "being old". The man is almost 51, I'm 30. So yes, to a 9 year old- he's OLD.
He smokes. This makes poor little Boy Child absolutely sick to his stomach. All those advertisements of the old corpse looking man that's smoking has my child scared to death!
I was informed tonight that when he goes with dad, "I get a funny feeling in my tummy."
Now having been a child of a divorce I know that feeling all too well. Especially when you don't trust the other parent. My son doesn't trust his father or his older brother.
I'm sick.
I casually said to him, "dad told me you tell him all the time you wished you two spent more time together..."
Cole immediately replied with no hesitation, "I say that so he won't get mad... or even sad"
I asked him if he says things to make me happy, and again no hesitation... "never momma, I tell you the truth."
I could only cry.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
they add pleasure to life
Please watch.
Q&A from StoryCorps on Vimeo.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
throwing my hands up
That's the advice I was given today from a friend who has been in a crazy ass unstable relationship* for the past 12ish years.
Is that really true? If I just "give up" this person, whom I'm meant to be with, will just show up? Unexpectedly of course.
I'm not so sure I believe it. I've thrown my hands up. I've walked away. I've cried. I've even screamed and stomped my feet. Nothing.
I'm just not so sure anymore.
*but I still stand by her
Friday, May 14, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
an open letter
Your priorities are fucked up. Plain and simple. Get a clue.
Someone who is sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
role reversal
That's my favorite number. I don't know what it is about that particular number, but it just makes me happy.
At work I park in the third parking space on the right hand side. I have ever since I started and even when I came here to sub. That sweet beautiful space was always open.
Today I pulled in to the school parking lot and noticed a car in that spot!
I gasped. No, really, I did!
Someone took my space and there she was walking away with her giant purple umbrella opened up above her. I've seen this woman before and she has her own damn spot!
I notice these things and apparently today she didn't want to walk, in the rain, the extra 20 steps to get to the school WITH an umbrella protecting her crazy hair!
She's messed up my routine, I can see where my day is going, so I parked right next to her... spot number four and continued on with my routine.
I love walking in to the classroom. The students always greet you; the other teachers are always smiling and also greeting you. It's really a great place but today... I walk in and there she is... crazy hair lady putting away her purple umbrella, in MY closet. Damn substitutes!
You would have thought today was a Monday.
(ohh... subs are awesome, I really do love them!)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Yet due to recent events I think I am going to change that.
I want everyone to know how amazing Boy Child is. How big his 9 year old heart really is. He has amazing compassion and passion for just about everything and anything his little hands and eyes come in contact with.
Boy Child loves to read and will converse with you about those books for as long as you will listen. His drawing ability is progressing day after day. He has a crazy love for numbers.
Words sometimes cannot describe him and words definitely cannot describe the love I have for this child. As much as I want to be selfish and keep him all to myself, I'm starting to feel this HUGE need to share him and his love with others.
Internet, I'd like to introduce you to my son...
Monday, April 26, 2010
In Loving Memory
Amanda introduced me to this amazing woman, Hallie and her blog Wonderful World of Wieners.
But you see, I never took the time to read Hallie's blog, I just listened to what Amanda had to say and her words were always powerful. This woman is amazing and has an incredible love for her family.
Then the other day Amanda mentioned Hallie again... but something about her tone and her facial expression was different. This was not the expression she normally used when she spoke of Hallie; something was wrong.
Hallie's oldest son, CJ passed away unexpectedly. He was 20.
Being that Amanda and I are both mothers to boys we shared a moment of silence and continued on with our conversation, but of a different topic.
As the days passed... I read the obituary and then blog posts also became posted. I started reading about this amazing young man and have now shed many tears.
Tears for a mother, tears for a family and tears for my friend who has, over the years grown incredibly close to this family through words.
Words that will touch your heart and soul.
Please help this family by keeping them in your thoughts.

Words are at times, inadequate, and often hard to come by. This is the hardest thing we have ever had to write. It is with deep sadness that we tell you that on April 15th, Christopher John “C.J.” Twomey, the beloved son of Hallie and John, big brother to Connor, passed away unexpectedly, leaving behind his heart-broken family and friends.
Please take a moment to read C.J.'s obituary. In the middle of all their sadness, Hallie and John were able to find the strength to write a beautiful and loving tribute to their amazing son.
Those who loved C.J. are left to miss his infectious smile, to wish to hold him again, to have him saunter into a room and make us all laugh. We wish we could talk to him, to watch him love the way that he did, with his whole heart. In short, those who loved C.J. are longing for the future we were all supposed to have with him. Hallie and John are heart-broken, are struggling to understand the events of the past week and are focusing on making sure their son Connor, who has shown grace and maturity well beyond his 16 years, knows and feels the love of his parents at this very difficult time.
Hallie, John and Connor have received an overwhelming amount of support over the last week from friends nearby who have stood with them through horrific circumstances, to the calls of support and the messages sent through text, email, Facebook and many other mediums. They know that so many of you are hurting as well.
Even in the mist of incomprehensible pain, Hallie and John continue to think of others. Despite their own pain, they remembered the pain of Hallie’s dad as he was waiting for a heart and became a recipient himself. In C.J.'s final hours, Hallie and John made the heroic decision to donate his organs. This week, 56 families felt the joy of hope for their family, even in the darkest moments for C.J.’s family.
Many have asked what they can do for the family and we have thought of a few suggestions:
Pray for comfort. Hallie, John, Connor and their extended family have pain that is indescribable; please offer up prayers that comfort can come to them.
2. Continue to send messages of support. The messages of support they have received mean more than they can express right now. Messages sent through Facebook, her Blog, or for those who have the ability, text messages of support are appreciated. While they are not able to respond, they are reading them, and it does lift them in support when one more step or one more breath seems like it’s just too much to take.
3. Make a donation. Kimmy and I have set up a fund called the "Twomey Family Benefit” for the family to use as they see fit – for funeral expenses, for a memorial for C.J. or maybe even to just be able to get away as a family and spend time grieving the loss of their beloved son. Many of us felt the need to do SOMETHING, and being far away, and knowing that we can't take away the emotional burden, this felt like something we could do to help.
If you are inclined to make a donation, you can simply walk it into any TD Bank and ask to make a donation to the "Twomey Family Benefit" (these exact words must be used). If, however, you do not have a TD Bank near you (as they are only located on the East Coast) you can simply mail a check to:
TD Bank
200 US Route 1
Falmouth, ME
The checks should be made payable to the: “Twomey Family Benefit” and should also include those exact words in the memo line of the check.
Any questions can be directed to Kimmy at:
We know that this time, for all of us, is shocking and difficult to comprehend a life cut so short. We hope and pray that you can take a moment to hold those you love tight, tell them you love them and cherish every moment.
Love like C.J. did, with his whole heart, and give to others freely.
May we all find comfort...
Dayna & Kimmy
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Million dollar question: what are you doing during vacation?
I don't have the funds to take Boy Child anywhere nice, warm, and/or fancy. One of these vacations we will go somewhere and that somewhere will take longer than 2 hours, or maybe even 4 to get there. We will see amazing things and do fantastic activities.
I'm bored. What I really want to be doing is working. Working at school with the kids. Helping them with their learning. (not mine, because mine is no longer important, well it is, but I'm pretending otherwise)
I want to send Boy Child off to school so he can be learning, spending time with his friends, and appreciating the after school time with me more, because he misses me during the day of course!
I'm just bored.
Something is missing. I need some sparkle, spunk.. pizazz.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
I'm back
I landed a long term substitute position. Wait, that calls for many exclamation points!!!
Although I do not have a classroom and I am not teaching I am in the school system doing things I love; working with crazy and wild children!
I am in hopes that I will be offered this position in the fall; pending displaced teachers do not want it (seeing they have first pick) or the future budget cuts don't affect this position either. Education is a scary place right now!
With my new job not only am I physically exhausted, I am completely drained emotionally.
But I am constantly entertained. Constantly.
I work with a teenage girl so I see lots of things... things like the teenage boys with their pants down half way around their butts. I'm always telling them, "pull up your pants!" or when they say rude, crude and obnoxious things, "watch your mouth!"
The teenagers these days are definitely not disciplined like we were growing up. If I ever acted like these kids do when I was growing up, chances are pretty good my father would have inflicted serious bodily harm upon me!
Oh and let's not forget, they're having sex at 13. SEXUAL INTERCOURSE!
That scares me for what I'm about to see in 5 years when Boy Child turns 13. A lot can happen in 5 years. Yikes!
Well anyways... I'm glad to be back. I had to mark a lot read in my reader but I'm going to do my best to keep up and update better and more often. I have missed everyone!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
a matter of name
I'm not a Mrs. but I'm getting to the age where I'm not really a Miss either. Maybe more so a Ms. (gross)
So rather than taking the time and effort, which is needed for something else, to correct these people I am simply known as Mrs. (last name)
No questions. No corrections.
I'm just flattered they think I'm married.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
no tears for me
I miss the days when I could stay up till 11pm and function the next day just fine.
Granted I wasn't working or doing anything productive but I was still functioning. Barely.
I just finished a take home midterm that was assigned over the weekend and was going to watch a movie that I rented from redbox, but due to the nature and contents of unsaid movie I have decided that I am going to just!
I do not need a sappy chic flick to make me more aware of what I do or do not have in my life. I do not need a movie to open the water gates that I have done an amazing job keeping under control lately.
So rather than sitting on the couch with tissues either in my hand or rubbed up against my eyes I am going to go catch some much needed beauty sleep.
Ya know... make a healthy decision? One that involves not only getting the proper amount of sleep to function the next day but to also keep my sanity in check.
Something that is long overdue.
The movie can always be rented when I'm having those blah days, but until then, this decision makes me feel good!
...and feeling good is half the battle!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
my adventures
I can't go into great depth and detail, but you'll get the gist of it.
Tuesday I had a boy stab another boy with a pencil. When I confronted the stabber he cried. I mean he CRIED huge tears. I asked him why he did it. His answer, "because he did it to me!"
So, I was forced to ask him when that stabbing occurred. He then proceeded to tell me... "a couple months ago".
Tuesday's group of second graders was rough. I raised my voice a lot! So much that when they came in to my Thursday music class I got a lot of hugs and they completely cooperated with me. And I walked away Tuesday thinking they were all the Devil's children. (No really, it was THAT bad)
Wednesday's group of middle school kids was really uneventful. It was St. Patrick's Day so everybody was wearing green, seriously. I don't think I have seen so many shades of green in my life. I can't wait for more holidays so I have an excuse to dress tacky and wear crazy jewelry!
Thursday was music. Oh what can I say about music?! I have subbed for music so many times that when I was asked to sub again on Friday, I turned it down. I told myself when this gig started, DO NOT TURN DOWN JOBS!
Overall it was a great day but sometimes I just feel like I don't know what I'm doing and that is a really crappy feeling.
I want to walk into a classroom, look at a lesson plan, have it all click and then BOOM! I want to teach it. Not have the kids scream and tell you what to do, because they DO and they do it a lot.
I want to feel like I have control over my classrooms; often times I don't. I want to walk out of there at the end of the day knowing I did the best I can. Yes, I will always second guess myself and know that next time I could have done it better if given the chance.
Everyday I step into a classroom or group setting I see growth and progress within myself but not to the depth I'm looking for RIGHT NOW!
I'd love to have the confidence I see some of these subs have or better yet, those teachers.
If only there was a course on this.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
and still single. unmarried.
but not in need of anybody's cupid services.
Am I bothered by this single, unmarried and almost 3.0 fact? ABSOLUTELY!
But ya know what... I have an awesome child who well, he's just awesome!
I am graduating in May.
Continuing my education. still.
I have been soo busy with subbing that I can barely keep up with myself, but I am NOT complaining. I am loving it! I actually wish I had classrooms lined up everyday of the week.
But in all reality... I'm almost 3.0 and this brings up weird and strange feelings.
20 + 10 in the year 2010.
No matter how I slice it, I just cannot get myself to say thir......
Then Keven started to slow down his text messages and phone calls.
Conversations were really 'surface' conversations. I'm a gal who enjoys depth! I want to know why the sky is blue and the grass is green. Yes or no answers aren't really good enough for me. I want to challenge you; I want to be challenged and that was no longer happening.
Yes, I know his night shift as a cop kept his day pretty occupied and all. A dude has to sleep but really? I knew he didn't sleep all day. He used to call me at night while on duty but that came to a halt.
I mentioned this to him and he was blown away; he didn't see it.
My heart started aching. My gut didn't feel right, so I did what I felt was best and ended our relationship, then I wrote this post.
Now fast forward to present day. A particular gal that I see almost daily due to the fact that I sub now, casually mentions to me that we have a friend in common.
YAY! for facebook.
I mention to her that I know this and tell her that he and I dated.
her: so did we.
As the conversation continues and the dates become clear in my mind I am left with no choice but to call him Friday night because well, he cheated and I am now a raging lunatic!
Mr. Man has officially admitted his guilt by doing so.
Thank you!
I have so many thoughts and feelings running through me. I am incredibly thankful to have trusted my gut. Something wasn't right and deep down I knew it.
My heart was aching and it's scary to think that it was aching for somebody that
But Keven?
He cheated.
What else is there to say?
*If you're in my life, chances are I may write about you. Don't expect me to change your identity.*
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
they must like me
The same students I had a few weeks ago. Boy Child's classmates along with 5 kindergarten classes. It's going to be a long BUSY day but this time... I'm not so blind.
I saw the teacher this afternoon so she gave me a quick run down and then told me to go with the flow and have fun with it! What a relief!!
So tomorrow... it's game on!
Apparently I'm doing something right because my phone is ringing and I'm being asked to return.
The kids have all made it onto the right buses at the end of the day or their parents have picked them up at dismissal time.
No child with a peanut allergy has gone into Anaphylactic shock.
There have been no trips to the nurse's office. None have the kids have cried, well except one because he lost his pencil, but I did NOT do it!!
...and I haven't cried.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
there's always a but
I'm sorry.
Here's the but... when you realize your heart aches for someone else it's not fair. Not for him, me or the person I'm aching for.
Off track. again.
Friday, February 26, 2010
time out
How dare us make them sit still, not talk, pay attention AND learn!!
The science is there, they need recess.
But today... a first grader yelled at me.
He's still a baby. Six years old.
The result: I took 5 minutes of his recess away.
That'll fix 'im.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
mental health break

I moved. again.
School is, well school.
I'm subbing two days this week.
AND rather than moan, groan and complain about things that don't need complaining about I'm taking some time off, because in reality I don't have anything to complain about.
I just need time.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day
daisies. white. my favorite flower.
red carnations. simple and incredibly sweet.
hoops and yoyo card. just awesome in every way!
swedish fish. my favorite candy.
a small box of chocolates. what girl doesn't love chocolates?
After the past 2 years I told myself I wouldn't fall in love. I couldn't. It hurt and it would hurt again. I wasn't going to experience anything like that.
ever. again.
Hang on because I just broke my own rule.
Friday, February 12, 2010
why we love children!!
"How do you know the cat was dead?" she asked him. "Because I pissed in its ear and it didn't move." answered the child innocently.
"You did WHAT?!!" the teacher exclaimed in surprised.
"You know," explained the boy, "I leaned over and went 'Pssst!' and it didn't move."
Thursday, February 11, 2010
ear worm
Last time I was the Language Arts 'teacher' for 6, 7, and 8th graders! 8th graders were just miserable and disrespectful.
My favorite line from the day:
student: Are you married?
me: No
student: I can see why
Back to the positive... yesterday I was called to sub for the music teacher at Boy Child's school!
Awesome. (make note: Boy Child's music day is today)
I get the call about 40 minutes before I have to be there. Talk about lighting a fire under my ass!
It was full speed ahead! Pack lunches, iron my clothes, finish my hair (flat iron died in the process)... chaos.
Get us out the door and off to school we go.
Once we get there I realize I have left my glasses at home and my tea. *sigh*
Boy Child and I go separate ways and there I am... all alone in my classroom staring at the lesson plan.
Now if you have never subbed before that lesson plan is intimidating as hell! You're going in there blind (in my case, literally- Ha!) then you have to interpret those plans to the best of your ability to keep those students engaged (and interested) for the entire time period you have them while keeping them UNDER CONTROL!
There in black in white was a plan that had 4 third grade classes, 1 first grade class and 5 kindergarten classes staring at me!
Long story short, I still have "Are You Sleeping" and "Brother John" stuck in my head, my throat is screaming, and I learned that I will not be teaching music after I finish college.
Because I CANNOT sing. At all.
Overall, it really was an awesome day!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
my phone rang
Yes, that's right; I want to be a teacher.
Until then, I have applied at the local school district to be a substitute teacher.
So not only will I be doing the Mom thing and working on my bachelor's, I'm going to be a sub.
Back in December I filled out all the necessary paperwork, applications, background check and completed the necessary fingerprinting process.
As soon as I completed that, I was put on the 'sub list'! Oh happy day!
I had all this completed in time for winter break in hopes to be kept busy in between semesters, except my phone never rang.
Friday I made a few changes that may have affected my name being on the sub list, like dropping off my completed transcripts; proving I completed my degree! Accepted a few additional schools, so rather than being available to only 2, I'm available to 8!
I left the superintendent's office Friday and within ten minutes, my phone rang!
No joke!
I have my first assignment. I'm going to be in a language arts class with grades 6, 7 AND 8!
I'm so flippin' excited but... I'd also be lying if I didn't say that I'm also a
I remember what it was like to have a substitute teacher in class. We were mean. Kids are mean. 6, 7, and 8th graders are evil! They're not your teacher so they "don't have to listen", but I'm going to go in there with an open mind and a heart that's temperature is yet to be determined.
Please... send me lots of luck! Oh, and any hints or helpful suggestions would totally and completely rock my world!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
screaming like a girl
Holy smokes Batman! I don’t remember the last time I screamed like I did today. Like seriously SCREEEEAMED and danced around in my living room all while my poor child was looking at me like, Woah! what is wrong with this woman!?
I blame the happy pills.
Remember the whole, finishing the semester, associates degree thing? Well, the intention was to finish the associate’s degree program in December, start the bachelor’s (which I did) and graduate in May; that whole march across stage and get my diploma thing.
Today I came home and saw this huge yellow envelope on my porch… I said to myself, out loud (I do this often) “what the hell is that?”
I get inside and rip that sucker open and low and behold…
…there it is, all nice and crisp- shiny, new; it even smells SMART!
It may have taken me 5 years, but it was worth every damn tear, migraine, ounce of frustration and irritation just to hold that bad boy in my hands!
Step one is completed… now on to step 2!
I haven’t given an update on Baxter, well since we brought him home from the Shelter.
He is crazy!
I have never seen an animal like him. Boy Child and Baxter play chase, ya know- something like a boy and a DOG would do, only- well Baxter is a cat. I have video!
Last night The Boyfriend (he really needs a new ‘name’) was over and the two of them were terrorizing each other, something very common, but it’s given with extreme love and affection.
Of course.
So in the middle of all that I was able to capture this!
How freakin’ cute!
The cat has been an awesome addition to our family though. He is just as quirky and neurotic as we are.
I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Well other than a few less knocked over plants, less things BROKEN, less biting and definitely less scratching but HEY, you can’t have it all.
Monday, January 25, 2010
mission accomplished
Yesterday I accomplished what I thoughts was going to the impossible.
Cleaning Boy Child’s bedroom.
It was literally a disaster; Hurricane Boy Child swept through there like there was no tomorrow. Fierce.
I had to take pictures because if you didn’t see it, you wouldn’t believe it; even Baxter is disgusted.
The accomplished mission took me about 2 hours and much assistance from the Boy. I am so proud of him! He did an excellent job picking and choosing the toys he wanted to keep and which ones he didn’t. Two bags of trash and one bag of items to Goodwill later… Tada!!
Now if only we can keep Hurricane Boy Child at bay for a little while.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
look at it shine
Aww yea, that's right! I have a new laptop. My old one sounded like a plane taking off. It was cracked in places that I never knew existed and it had been dropped and banged more than twice. Maybe even ten times.
So because my school life depends on technology, a certain someone was incredibly gracious enough to assist me with the purchase of my new beast.
To say the least, The Date has progressed above and beyond that 'title', I just kinda sorta failed to mention it ;-)
Friday, January 22, 2010
speak up
Boy Child: I wish I had a hearing aid so I could turn it all the way down
Me: (laughing) Why?
Boy Child: Because some people just annoy me!
Apparently he isn't aware of the selective hearing ability he already has!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I broke a rule
That was after I broke a rule. One of those rules in dating where you're not supposed to talk about your previous relationships. Let's be honest here, how can you not?
Those adventures molded me and will continue to. They taught me to love deeper, speak more and share my passions.
I haven't sworn off men because I was hopeful that someday I'd be able to speak more, share my passions and love deeper with someone. I'm glad I held on to that hope.
Monday, January 18, 2010
chicken again?
I'm bored and food bores me. I've run out of ideas and options.
I just don't know what to cook anymore!
The vegetarian thing went out the window, but we still don't eat a lot of red meat. You definitely won't see us sitting down to a huge steak anytime
I'm tired of plain chicken and pasta because it seems every time I turn around that's what I'm cooking.
I'd much rather bake.
The recipes are better, easier and really, let's be honest; they taste better too.
So my dear friends, here's where you come in. Please, please, please... email me some recipes. They can still be chicken and pasta, but with a twist! Something new and fresh!
...because I'm about to start eating cookies and cake for dinner!
enough already
She's pregnant and the entire time we've listened to her moan and groan about how miserable she is, especially on Facebook. The weight gain is bothering her girlish figure. Her back hurts when she sits and she's really only comfortable when she stands but who wants to be standing all day? The countdown for this baby's arrival has started since conception, making for the longest (second) pregnancy known to human kind.
Yes, I complained when I was pregnant and I complained quite a bit, but if I could do it all over again I would; in a second. I miss the feeling of knowing he was safe. I miss having him all to myself. I didn't have to share those small flips and flutters with anybody, unless I wanted to of course. Everything was so magical! I was growing a human being, a beautiful human being that would become the light of my life and I only had 9 months to truly cherish that process.
You see, there are woman and couples in this world that sadly do not have that opportunity. They are robbed of that ability to enjoy what others of us get; that true magical experience.
There are others that experience that magic only to be robbed of the life afterwords. I don't know how else to put that into words, it's a sad experience and it happens everyday.
If I could do it over again, I would.
Along with her, I'm counting down the days for this baby to arrive, only so others don't have to be reminded of the magic they are robbed of.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
We spent the day lounging around, talking, and sleeping. I had a complete day of no worries.
It was absolutely amazing!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
breathe dammit
Things all around me were going so well and then it literally felt like I walked into a brick wall; nose first. I couldn't move in any direction without a push or a shove of some kind and point blank, it sucked!
It sucked HARD!
My friends have some (exciting and not so exciting) things going on in their life and I couldn't express any feelings for them and it wasn't because I didn't want to, it was because I couldn't.
I'm dating this awesome guy and I couldn't even begin to share my excitement about that because my emotions were numb.
You know that pins and needles feeling you get when your hands and feet go 'to sleep'? I wasn't even at that stage yet, I was at the stage where your hands and feet feel like they're ten times their size and then the pins and needles feeling comes on!
I just want to feel.
I just want to smell.
I just want to breathe.
It sounds simple but when these things happen, those tasks are so hard. Almost impossible.
Today the tips of my fingers have feeling again and I'm getting there. Slowly.
It needs to happen faster though because this shit is exhausting!
Friday, January 8, 2010
kind and gentle
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
it's hell
I have bipolar and I live in my own personal hell.
There is a large stigma attached to bipolar disorder and few people really know what it is or what it is about.
Most people tip toe around those of us with this disorder because they think we’re “crazy”.
I encourage you to read up on this yourself because you might make a difference in someone else’s life. I suffered for many years alone, before I received any help or casually mentioned it to any of those closest to me; I still have a hard time talking about this, it’s crippling.
Bipolar is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. Symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. They are different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through from time to time. Bipolar disorder symptoms can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide. But bipolar disorder can be treated, and people with this illness can lead full and productive lives.
I suffer extreme mood changes. I can be incredibly happy and excited about something and mere moments later I am going bat shit crazy about something that has pissed me off. Yesterday.
My energy levels change like the second hand on a clock. Day-to-day tasks are sometimes impossible… come by my house sometime unexpectedly; you’ll see.
Relationships have ended because people cannot handle bipolar. It’s exhausting. I cannot even handle my own illness. On a day that I am feeling particularly low, I’ll be asked, “what’s wrong?” When I answer with, “I don’t know” or “nothing” more often than not it’s because I don’t know or nothing is wrong. I cannot explain or describe what my brain is or is not doing. These rapid cycles put me through hell! When my energy levels are low, there is nothing in this world you can do to pull me out of it; or rather I have yet to find something that pulls me out of it. Then the days when my energy levels are high, I cannot even keep up with myself- never mind expecting those around me to keep up. I am non-stop from start to finish.
Bipolar cannot be cured but it CAN be treated. I take a handful of medicines twice a day, a pretty colorful cocktail of medicines, and life is looking better but I still have days. We ALL have days.
I work with a psychologist, nurse, and a therapist and I’m seeking a second opinion from another psychologist and his team.
I just want to feel better.
I want to function like a person and not someone trapped in a body. I feel like a matryoshka doll. I’ve released the 150 pound layer now I need to escape this hell layer!
There are days when I am severely depressed and sleep.all.the.time.
I have other days when I feel like I could function without sleep; the days when life is looking great and I could conquer the world!
I really could explain all the signs and symptoms of bipolar that I have, but I am so text book you would be bored. People all around us battle this daily, some know and many of those don’t.
When all is said and done, on my worst day I don’t need two handfuls of drugs, what I really need is a hug.